How do I know if something is sterling silver? A silver chain is considered to be real if it contains 92.5% of pure silver; pure silver is too soft to be used without another metal. This article was co-authored by Kennon Young. This usually means that the metal is 90% pure. The number refers simply to the fact that the silver is 92.5% pure, which makes it sterling. Many reputable appraisers are certified by the American Society of Appraisers. Professionals create a small scratch in your metal and place nitric acid inside the scratch. London origin is identified by the use of the leopard's head, crowned and uncrowned from 1821. Silver plate will tarnish to a blue-purple color while sterling silver will be gray-black. Something fake will lose its silver polish over time, and underneath can be any number of ugly pretend metals that may turn your skin green. If it is very smooth, most likely it is silver. I use this on medium to large silver items. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Their job is to assess the quality and worth of items. ", "Excellent article. Loved it. The item I have has hallmarks, but no purity number. On and other websites, there are inexpensive testing kits for silver to be sure. Pure sterling silver has markings such as: "sterling silver," "ster," or "sterling." The location of the hallmark stamp depends on the type of jewelry in question. The question I hear most often at antiques shows is, How do you know whether something is silver? ", "This was a very informative article. Celluloid has characteristics which are different from other plastics. The black tarnish can be removed from silver with most common silver polishes. It is an alloy composed of 92.5% silver and 7.5% other metals. Metals that attract magnets are called ferrous. Use ice to test your coins, 4. ", How to Know if Something Is Sterling Silver,,,,,,,,, Capire se un Oggetto è Fatto di Argento Sterling, savoir si un objet est en argent sterling, Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Here are some of the most common types of silver alloys, with information on how they are often marked: Brittania silver (950): Brittania silver is an alloy made of 95% silver, which exceeds the requirement for sterling silver. Not quite! This makes pure silver non-ferrous. To identify a piece of sterling silver, first look for the sterling silver hallmark, which is sometimes written as “925,” or “S925” in the U.S., a stamped lion in the U.K., or a stamped vase or Head of Minerva in France. Spotting fake silver is a great skill to have, especially if you are a coin dealer.It's also a good idea to test your own silver, just to makes sure that it's real or in the event that you want to sell your silver. This mark is referred to as a “hallmark.” To find Kovels’ silver hallmarks’ database, go to “Look for your mark.” Other articles and marks can be found in” Silver … Argentium Sterling Silver is 92.5% pure silver that is alloyed with 1.2% germanium and 6.3% copper---the smaller percentage of copper makes this more tarnish resistant. This is because silver is one of the best thermal conductors of heat, at least among the most common metals such as gold and nickel. The current price of sterling silver is approximately $0.45 per gram, $14 per ounce, and $450 per kilogram. Can you download to scan the item to see if it is 4sale or not to wood that work since cannot find a marking of real jewelry of gold or silver or both in one. Of course, the fastest and most obvious way to check for authentic silver is to look at the silver markings. You can try this method with coins and jewelry. A silver plated item should not have a legal hallmark, as it will not be pure enough to be considered as silver. › insights › identifying-sterling-silver If you see black marks, the item is either silver or sterling silver. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. In the US, it is not required to stamp precious metals with quality marks, but if you do have a quality mark, ther… Nope! Detailed with all, "Excellent article that explained clearly how I could easily test at home whether my article is sterling silver. › 5-warning-signs-your-silver-isnt-silver Kennon Young is a Gemological Institute of America (GIA) Graduate Gemologist, an American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Master Gemologist Appraiser, and a Jewelers of America (JA) Certified Bench Jeweler Technician. Pure fine silver is 99.999% silver and is considered too soft to securely hold gemstones, so sterling silver looks like pure silver but is harder and more durable. This item send x-rays through the item to test the metal's purity. My ring has "925 EC" stamped on it. It's fun to use the heavy, silver plate tho....just not as much fun to polish it! Your silver may not be fully silver if…. What are the differences between Bakelite and celluloid? Pock marks and other small indentations mean it is pewter, since the metal dents easily. That's right! If they item is made from silver, the ice cube on the coin should melt much faster than the ice cube on the table. faded away. Thank you!". By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. That might be something informative for you. Stainless steel can look like silver, but it is a lesser metal. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Unfortunately, when it comes to the value of your antiques, … There’s a better option out there! If the item sticks to the magnet, it does not contain sterling silver. They can help you determine the authenticity of your silver and help you figure out a value. . Keep in mind that a lack of markings does not always indicate a fake. What does it mean if 920 stamped on silver? A green color means you have a different metal, like stainless steel, not silver. Along with the quality mark, a hallmark (the maker's registered mark) must also be placed on the piece. I myself prefer to use white toothpaste and baking soda. 2. Fill a bowl with several ice cubes and an inch of water. Likewise, silver and silverplate marks are often a series of small symbols placed inside squares. If not why would I use this? More than likely, the item is made from highly polished stainless steel intended to look like pure silver. Your silver may not be fully silver if…. I never knew about the status of sterling silver, how to tell real from fake. No amount of polishing will return that original shiny tone. Some of the oldest American silver is "coin," which contains at least 89.2 percent of silver if it was made between 1792 to 1837, an amount set by the U.S. Mint after the American Revolution-which rose to 90 percent in the years after 1837. Sterling silver is a non-ferrous metal, which means magnets are not attracted to sterling silver objects. If your item contains a sterling silver quality mark, it must also contain the maker's hallmark. France currently marks its sterling silver items with the head of Minerva (92.5% and below) or a vase (99.9% pure silver). I can’t see any markings but jeweler said it is pure silver. There are actual laws and fines involved for the mis-marking and mis-representation of precious metal jewelry. Search for a sterling silver quality mark. The best way to test silver is chemically. The Most Obvious Test: Your Skin Turns Green One of the easiest ways to tell that your silver jewelry is pure or not is to see whether it leaves any kind of stain on your skin. Check the tarnish color for other signs of plated silver. The marks on the bottom of a piece of silver can be an indication of the age, maker, and origin of the piece. If the silver is real, not imitation, the scratch will turn a cream color. Sadly, some items stamped ".925" are not sterling silver so testing is needed when in doubt. If you hold your coin about six inches above a table and drop it, if it is made of silver, it will make a sound similar to a bell when it hits the surface. You folks are the best, hands down! If you do not see any of these markings, it's highly unlikely the item is genuine silver. If your silver piece has no markings, you probably do not have a legitimate piece. However, it doesn't tarnish as fast if used as it does just sitting. This silver qualifies as sterling, but it is slightly softer than sterling pieces marked … You may also see numbers such as 925; these numbers indicate the amount of pure silver the item contains. Thank you. The word forged means "a made or shaped metal object that was heated up with a fire or a furnace then beat or hammered to a desired shape". How do I know if it is sterling silver or pure silver? Identifies the Assay Office where the silver item was verified. You should see one of the following markings or something similar: "9.25," "925/1000," "Sterling," "S/S" or "Sterling 9.25." Choose another answer! Thank you! If you know how to read them, they can tell you the maker, the country of origin, and in some cases even the date they were made. Specific gravity assessment—a water displacement test. Professional appraisers are highly trained and experienced. 3. Sterling silver from the UK also contains a town mark and duty mark amongst other types of marks. Start by carefully pouring just a drop of the bleach onto the item in question. This is an easy test that can give you a good idea on whether your item is real silver or … Required fields are marked *. In addition to this stamp, UK made items will also contain a town mark, a duty mark, a date letter, and a sponsor's mark. If it sticks, then it’s not silver. One of these examples indicates a silver item, and the other shows a non-silver object. What does it mean if 359 is stamped on silver? Check if it’s magnetic. If you see something … In this case, 89% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. That's right! The number refers simply to the fact that the silver is 92.5% pure, which makes it sterling. Sterling silver items made in the UK contain a stamp of a lion. % of people told us that this article helped them. In order to identify if flatware and other items are sterling silver, the items must be identified with a hallmark or stamp that states “sterling” or “925”. 3. To be eligible for hallmarking a silver alloy should be at least … 1. Thank you for all you have to share with us, "Very interesting. American sterling silver is marked with one of the following hallmarks: “925,” “.925,” or “S925.” the 925 indicates that the piece contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% other metals. You have to apply this product then with a clean lint free cloth, buff until the silver shines bright. If the item does not bend, it is less likely that it is made from silver or sterling silver. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Sound Test: Silver emits a ringing sound when it is tapped, much like a bell, whereas many cheaper metals will emit a dull thud. Because pewter is such a soft metal, it was commonly melted and recast when a piece was looking worn or beat up over time, adding to the scarcity of antique pewter items. In reality the leopard's head was a standard mark and its use applied to all goldsmiths throughout the land. If you do not see any of these markings, it's highly unlikely the item is genuine silver. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 459,320 times. Read on for another quiz question. You should see one of the following markings or something similar: "9.25," "925/1000," "Sterling," "S/S" or "Sterling 9.25." When handling nitric acid, you need to be extremely careful. Under hot water, most celluloid has a smell like vinegar or old camphor. You can find many different kinds of silver in the marketplace today. You are more likely to find a lion on sterling silver that originates from the UK, not France. He received the highest credential in the jewelry appraisal industry, the ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser, in 2016. Silver plate hallmarks have no recognised official system, but are often stamped with abbreviations. Enjoyed reading it. Copper and nickel are commonly incorporated to … The result is sterling silver, the primary material used for silver jewelry. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. If it marked with an "800" or "900," your silver is a blend of different metals in which real silver may or may not be present. ", "It taught me so many different ways to test silver in only one search. In America, you can also find "925" and "S925." To identify a piece of sterling silver, first look for the sterling silver hallmark, which is sometimes written as “925,” or “S925” in the U.S., a stamped lion in the U.K., or a stamped vase or Head of Minerva in France. Most of the time, you can find the answer simply by turning over the teaspoon, fish fork, ice cream saw, or cheese scoop (antique flatware is that specialized). Each unique piece is stamped, or hallmarked, with defining markings from the maker and the era it was verified in. The markings on British pewter can be easily identified, but more often … Nitric acid will turn your object a specific color if it is silver. Test the item if you are still unsure of its authenticity. ", for no fee. Common Silver Alloys and Their Markings . ", the information in the article. I always wanted to know what it was made of, but the metal stamp mostly, "The home testing, you have excellent specifications and illustrations. There are fake silver coins, bars, flatware, etc. This article has been viewed 459,320 times. ", "I am starting to collect silver, and this article is extremely thorough and detailed. Shampoo in the shower ordish soap when washing dishes just naturally cleans my jewelry. If there are no markings, you can't be sure without a chemical test, including acid tests, a laser test, or electronically testing. If you do not see the sterling marking, the item is probably silver-plated. How can you tell if silver items — like silverware or a tea set — are real or plated? What does a letter A beside 925 mean on a sterling silver ring? Check your item for markings. A good way to tell is to try using a magnet on it. How to tell if something is silver without markings. That is the top tier of silver. By using our site, you agree to our. An absence of markings is a sure sign that the item is not sterling silver. Is that silver real — as in, Sterling or plate? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What does 1602 mean on a piece marked Royal Rochester? Sterling silver always (without exception) will be labeled with the word sterling so since yours does not include that, it is silver plated. Here are some ways that you can tell if something is silver, besides looking for inscriptions or markings. References Looking at gold markings is one of the fastest ways to establish what your jewelry is made of. Send the item to a lab for testing. To find the price of sterling silver, multiply the percentage of silver in SS (0.925), the current price of silver, and the troy ounce modifier (0.9). The vast majority of items made from sterling silver contain a quality mark, a stamp placed in a discreet spot that denotes its purity. It is most often marked 950. Any valuable item is going to have fakes. It means that it's a high-quality piece of stainless steel. It's unfortunate but it's reality and silver is no exception. French sterling silver typically has the head of Minerva somewhere on the object. When you tap the item, use extreme caution so you do not ding or dent it. If you are looking at jewelry, check the clasp. There doesn’t have to be markings on your coins or jewelry for you to determine if it’s silver. Know this to understand is a silver jewelry real or fake. You just need to use a quality tarnish remover of some … Any feedback and approx value of it will be appreciated. Size 2.5 long X 1.25 wide – about ½ oz. Read on for another quiz question. Every dollar contributed enables us to keep providing high-quality how-to help to people like you. Nope! Bleach tarnishes silver. Since silver oxidizes in air, try rubbing it with a white cloth and looking for black marks on the cloth from oxidation. So real, solid, quality silver jewelry should be marked: SS, 925, ST, STERLING, or even just SILVER. Sterling silver is a popular metal used to make jewelry and other decorative items. Step 5: Have your silver examined by an expert Consult with an expert if you cannot find stamps to help you tell sterling silver from plated. Likewise, silver and silverplate marks are often a series of small symbols placed inside squares. Approved. Jan 24, 2020 - Do You Know How to Tell If something is Silver without Markings? Fake silver or silver-plated items are generally made of other metals. If you have been wondering if that antique tea set or your great aunt’s vintage gravy boat is possibly worth a fortune, here are some ways — both simple and a little more complicated — to help you figure it out. What does it mean? Sterling silver is more commonly marked with ".925" in America, not France. There doesn’t have to be markings on your coins or jewelry for you to determine if it’s silver. Last Updated: September 30, 2020 Use the silver Acid Test to see the amount of silver content in the item. I had some necklaces marked 925 that were fake. Sharing a place for us to learn and share. If a magnet sticks to your object, what is it possibly made out of? The use of an XRF gun. If you know how to read them, they can tell you the maker, the country of origin, and in some cases even the date they were made. Your email address will not be published. If the magnet sticks, it is not pure silver. NEVER-DULL works well but it’s time consuming to me. Graduate jewelers are trained and certified by the Gemologist Institute of America. These marks will vary from item to item. Tap the piece with something metallic and listen to the sound it produces. Oxidizes in air, try rubbing it with a contribution to wikihow conduct some general research on the coin this. S attracted to the piece, it does n't tarnish as fast if used as does. 0.45 per gram, $ 14 per ounce, and authenticity small in... The sound it produces the hallmarks are not sterling silver from the UK contain a stamp a... The location of the hallmark stamp depends on the silver item is genuine silver. of,. Had some necklaces marked 925 that were fake adapt, grow, this. 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