Makeshift devices, such as but not limited to boxes and barrels, shall not be used on top of scaffold platforms to increase the working level height of employees. Paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through (vii) of this section establish the types of fall protection to be provided to the employees on each type of scaffold. Toeboards shall be securely fastened in place at the outermost edge of the platform and have not more than 1/4 inch (0.7 cm) clearance above the walking/working surface. Platforms may be coated periodically with wood preservatives, fire-retardant finishes, and slip-resistant finishes; however, the coating may not obscure the top or bottom wood surfaces. Note to paragraph (g)(1): The fall protection requirements for employees installing suspension scaffold support systems on floors, roofs, and other elevated surfaces are set forth in subpart M of this part. Each suspension rope, including connecting hardware, used on non-adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be capable of supporting, without failure, at least 6 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to that rope. The self sustaining system grips the wire rope … Platforms shall not deflect more than 1/60 of the span when loaded. Sound anchorages include structural members, but do not include standpipes, vents, other piping systems, or electrical conduit. Exception to paragraph (b)(1): The requirement in paragraph (b)(1) to provide full planking or decking does not apply to platforms used solely as walkways or solely by employees performing scaffold erection or dismantling. Don’t remove or allow removal of any parts without the OK from the Competent Person. To reduce the possibility of welding current arcing through the suspension wire rope when performing welding from suspended scaffolds, the following precautions shall be taken, as applicable: An insulated thimble shall be used to attach each suspension wire rope to its hanging support (such as cornice hook or outrigger). Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and (g) of this section, each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. When intermediate members (such as balusters or additional rails) are used, they shall not be more than 19 inches (48 cm) apart. Evidence that the secondary brake has been activated during an overspeed condition and has engaged the suspension rope. Tiebacks shall be secured to a structurally sound anchorage on the building or structure. Wire rope. 2. Do not use wire rope that is kinked, birdcaged, corroded, undersized, or in any … Two-point and multi-point suspension scaffolds shall be tied or otherwise secured to prevent them from swaying, as determined to be necessary based on an evaluation by a competent person. Start studying Scaffolds. Wire suspension ropes must not be joined together except through the use of. Spider is the pioneer of suspended scaffolding system, and began designing and manufacturing this equipment more than six decades back. Scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers shall not be intermixed unless the components fit together without force and the scaffold's structural integrity is maintained by the user. Scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers shall not be modified in order to intermix them unless a competent person determines the resulting scaffold is structurally sound. The stall load of any scaffold hoist shall not exceed 3 times its rated load. strain on a rope that it may be unsafe to use the rope again. Tiebacks shall be installed perpendicular to the face of the building or structure, or opposing angle tiebacks shall be installed. Ropes shall be replaced if any of the following conditions exist: Any physical damage which impairs the function and strength of the rope. • Unlimited wire rope length • Easy to use, mobile, heavy-duty, and powerful • Available in 110V single phase. The use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope is prohibited. Manila or plastic (or other synthetic) rope being used for toprails or midrails shall be inspected by a competent person as frequently as necessary to ensure that it continues to meet the strength requirements of paragraph (g) of this section. Each employee performing overhand bricklaying operations from a supported scaffold shall be protected from falling from all open sides and ends of the scaffold (except at the side next to the wall being laid) by the use of a personal fall arrest system or guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity). Department-Approved Course Requirements: 1-Hour Scaffolds - Suspended Course Required for: Worker Training Purpose: This course is a specialized elective course that can help fulfill the … 5. Guardrail systems shall be installed before the scaffold is released for use by employees other than erection/dismantling crews. Tiebacks shall be equivalent in strength to the suspension ropes. A landing platform at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) wide by at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) long shall be provided at each level. Single tiebacks installed at an angle are prohibited. In addition, masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold connections shall be designed by an engineer experienced in such scaffold design. In addition to meeting the requirements of 1926.502(d), personal fall arrest systems used on scaffolds shall be attached by lanyard to a vertical lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or scaffold structural member. Guardrails meeting the requirements of paragraph (g)(4) of this section shall be provided on the open sides and ends of each landing. Industrial Wire Rope 7390 Harrison Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 (888) 345-0919. Guardrails shall be surfaced to prevent injury to an employee from punctures or lacerations, and to prevent snagging of clothing. Anchorages for rope … Terms in this set (33) A suspension scaffold consisting of a platform supported by hangers suspended … No more than three workers are permitted to work at one time on suspension scaffolds … Crossbraces shall not be used as a means of access. Abrasion, corrosion, scrubbing, flattening or peening causing loss of more than one-third of the original diameter of the outside wires. Instant Boiler Access System for build, repair and maintenance … Devices whose sole function is to provide emergency escape and rescue shall not be used as working platforms. Do not use U-Clamps. Kinks that might impair the tracking or wrapping of rope around the drum(s) or sheave(s). This section does not apply to aerial lifts, the criteria for which are set out exclusively in 1926.453. "Access." Horizontal lifelines shall not be attached only to the suspension ropes. The use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope is prohibited! Clips must be retightened to the manufacturer’s recommendations after the initial loading. The toprail of each stairrail system shall also be capable of serving as a handrail, unless a separate handrail is provided. The independent support lines shall be equal in number and strength to the suspension ropes. The use of shore or lean-to scaffolds is prohibited. Where the employer makes the demonstration provided for in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the platform shall be planked or decked as fully as possible and the remaining open space between the platform and the uprights shall not exceed 9 1/2 inches (24.1 cm). The ladder legs shall be secured to prevent them from slipping or being pushed off the platform. Repaired wire rope shall not be used under any circumstance. Have slip-resistant treads on all steps and landings. Single-point adjustable •Supporting rope between scaffold … 17. Welding on suspended scaffolds occurs more often than is considered. Guys, ties, and braces shall be installed according to the scaffold manufacturer's recommendations or at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and be repeated vertically at locations of horizontal members every 20 feet (6.1 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds 3 feet (0.91 m) wide or less, and every 26 feet (7.9 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds greater than 3 feet (0.91 m) wide. repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds false employees performing work from scaffold must be trained on use, maximum load capacity, and electrical hazards Sand, gravel and similar materials that can be easily dislocated shall not be used as counterweights. When winding drum hoists are used on a suspension scaffold, they shall contain not less than four wraps of the suspension rope at the lowest point of scaffold travel. Suspended scaffolding should be assembled according to the manufacturer’s specifications, Federal State and Local regulations. Vertical lifelines shall not be used when overhead components, such as overhead protection or additional platform levels, are part of a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold. The ends of all rails shall not overhang the terminal posts except when such overhang does not constitute a projection hazard to employees. Guardrail systems installed to meet the requirements of this section shall comply with the following provisions (guardrail systems built in accordance with Appendix A to this subpart will be deemed to meet the requirements of paragraphs (g)(4)(vii), (viii), and (ix) of this section): Guardrail systems shall be installed along all open sides and ends of platforms. Safe points of anchorage include structural members of buildings, but do not include standpipes, vents, other piping systems, electrical conduit, outrigger beams, or counterweights. The portion of the tail line that hangs free below the scaffold shall be guided or retained, or both, so that it does not become grounded; Each hoist shall be covered with insulated protective covers; In addition to a work lead attachment required by the welding process, a grounding conductor shall be connected from the scaffold to the structure. The top edge height on supported scaffolds manufactured and placed in service before January 1, 2000, and on all suspended scaffolds where both a guardrail and a personal fall arrest system are required shall be between 36 inches (0.9 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m). Footings shall be level, sound, rigid, and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold without settling or displacement. When canopies are used on suspension scaffolds for falling object protection, the scaffold shall be equipped with additional independent support lines equal in number to the number of points supported, and equivalent in strength to the strength of the suspension ropes. The top guy, tie or brace of completed scaffolds shall be placed no further than the 4:1 height from the top. Each ladder jack scaffold, top plate bracket scaffold, roof bracket scaffold, and pump jack scaffold shall be at least 12 inches (30 cm) wide. The maximum distance from the face for outrigger scaffolds shall be 3 inches (8 cm); The maximum distance from the face for plastering and lathing operations shall be 18 inches (46 cm). No more than two workers are permitted to work at one time on suspension scaffold designed for a working load of 500 pounds. 6, 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35182 and 35310, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 46025, Aug. 30 1996; 61 FR 59831, Nov. 25, 1996], Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. The use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope is prohibited. Scaffolds shall not be moved horizontally while employees are on them, unless they have been designed by a registered professional engineer specifically for such movement or, for mobile scaffolds, where the provisions of 1926.452(w) are followed. Ladders shall not be used on scaffolds to increase the working level height of employees, except on large area scaffolds where employers have satisfied the following criteria: When the ladder is placed against a structure which is not a part of the scaffold, the scaffold shall be secured against the sideways thrust exerted by the ladder; The platform units shall be secured to the scaffold to prevent their movement; The ladder legs shall be on the same platform or other means shall be provided to stabilize the ladder against unequal platform deflection, and. There is no minimum width requirement for boatswains' chairs. Remember to record the attendees of your toolbox talk! Suspended Scaffolding / Swing Stage Scaffolding Introduction. Caution, davit, monorail, outriggers and other suspension equipment rated for 4,000 lbs. Treads and landings shall have slip-resistant surfaces. When acids or other corrosive substances are used on a scaffold, the ropes shall be shielded, treated to protect against the corrosive substances, or shall be of a material that will not be damaged by the substance being used. The top edge of guardrails on scaffolds shall be between _____ & _____ inches high. Evidence that the secondary brake has been activated during an overspeed condition and has engaged the suspension rope. Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level shall be protected from falling to that lower level. If so, replace the wire rope Integral prefabricated scaffold access frames shall: Be specifically designed and constructed for use as ladder rungs; Have a rung length of at least 8 inches (20 cm); Not be used as work platforms when rungs are less than 11 1/2 inches in length, unless each affected employee uses fall protection, or a positioning device, which complies with 1926.502; Be uniformly spaced within each frame section; Be provided with rest platforms at 35-foot (10.7 m) maximum vertical intervals on all supported scaffolds more than 35 feet (10.7 m) high; and. Heat damage caused by a torch or any damage caused by contact with electrical wires. The use of repaired wire rope is prohibited. In addition to the normal operating brake, suspension scaffold power-operated hoists and manually operated hoists shall have a braking device or locking pawl which engages automatically when a hoist makes either of the following uncontrolled movements: an instantaneous change in momentum or an accelerated overspeed. Greater variations in riser height are allowed for the top and bottom steps of the entire system, not for each flight of stairs. When the loads specified in paragraph (g)(4)(vii) of this section are applied in a downward direction, the top edge shall not drop below the height above the platform surface that is prescribed in paragraph (g)(4)(ii) of this section. When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access, portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, stair towers (scaffold stairways/towers), stairway-type ladders (such as ladder stands), ramps, walkways, integral prefabricated scaffold access, or direct access from another scaffold, structure, personnel hoist, or similar surface shall be used. On scaffolds where scaffold planks are abutted to create a long platform, each abutted end shall rest on a separate support surface. Vertical lifelines, independent support lines, and suspension ropes shall not be attached to each other, nor shall they be attached to or use the same point of anchorage, nor shall they be attached to the same point on the scaffold or personal fall arrest system. Ramps and walkways 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels shall have guardrail systems which comply with subpart M of this part -- Fall Protection; No ramp or walkway shall be inclined more than a slope of one (1) vertical to three (3) horizontal (20 degrees above the horizontal). Any part of a scaffold damaged or weakened such that its strength is less than that required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be immediately repaired or replaced, braced to meet those provisions, or removed from service until repaired. 18. Unstable objects shall not be used to support scaffolds or platform units. Only those items specifically designed as counterweights shall be used to counterweight scaffold systems. Direct connections to roofs and floors, and counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds, shall be capable of resisting at least 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5 (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater. When acids or other corrosive substances are used on a scaffold, the ropes shall be shielded, treated to protect against the corrosive substances, or shall be of a material that will not be damaged by the substances. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. If there is a tail line below the hoist, it shall be insulated to prevent contact with the platform. Suspension ropes supporting adjustable suspension scaffolds shall be of a diameter large enough to provide sufficient surface area for the functioning of brake and hoist mechanisms. Each platform on all working levels of scaffolds shall be fully planked or decked between the front uprights and the guardrail supports as follows: Each platform unit (e.g., scaffold plank, fabricated plank, fabricated deck, or fabricated platform) shall be installed so that the space between adjacent units and the space between the platform and the uprights is no more than 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide, except where the employer can demonstrate that a wider space is necessary (for example, to fit around uprights when side brackets are used to extend the width of the platform). Scaffolds shall be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered only under the supervision and direction of a competent person qualified in scaffold erection, moving, dismantling or alteration. Ensure wire suspension ropes are not joined together except through the use of eye splice thimbles connected with shackles or … Front-end loaders and similar pieces of equipment shall not be used to support scaffold platforms unless they have been specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. Access GBCA’s full library of toolbox talks: DOWNLOAD THE GBCA SAFETY TOOLBOX TALK SIGN-IN SHEET, GBCA Safety Toolbox Talk: Suspended Scaffolds – Fall Protection, OSHA Issues New Guidance to Protect Workers from COVID-19 in the Workplace. Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/towers) shall be positioned such that their bottom step is not more than 24 inches (61 cm.) Have a maximum spacing between rungs of 16 3/4 inches (43 cm). This paragraph applies to scaffold access for all employees. The units are lightweight and modular. Wire suspension ropes shall not be joined together except through the use of eye splice thimbles connected with shackles or coverplates and bolts. The use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope is prohibited. Swaged attachments or spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes shall not be used unless they are made by the wire rope manufacturer or a qualified person. Any physical damage which impairs the function and strength of the rope. Outrigger beams shall be placed perpendicular to its bearing support (usually the face of the building or structure). Before the scaffold is used, direct connections shall be evaluated by a competent person who shall confirm, based on the evaluation, that the supporting surfaces are capable of supporting the loads to be imposed. When midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical members, solid panels, or equivalent structural members are used, they shall be installed between the top edge of the guardrail system and the scaffold platform. •No repaired wire rope ... •Suspended scaffolds are platforms suspended by ropes, or other non-rigid means, from an ... unless bridge and hoist is appropriately sized. Each platform greater than 10 feet in length shall not extend over its support more than 18 inches (46 cm), unless it is designed and installed so that the cantilevered portion of the platform is able to support employees without tipping, or has guardrails which block employee access to the cantilevered end. Clips must be installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Window cleaners' anchors shall not be used for this purpose. Prohibit the use of repaired wire rope as suspension rope. 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