My newphew next door found a pit bull pup near death from starvation and exposure that apparently came from the previous owner. I hope I can help you manage your fear and maybe even diminish it. But with my bloodlines I have never seen it as serious as the dog in the picture below. I also think that people are more afraid of pitbulls not only because of the media but if people know anything about pits, their jaws lock when they bite so if anything they should be afraid for that reason and not because the media tells them these stories. They unfortunately often have piece of shit owners who think it's cool if their dog is aggressive. Pit bulls can be very sweet, however, and here are 6 reasons that prove this. He brought a doggie bowl to put the waffle in, and the dog would just stare at him until the owner gave the command and then the dog just wolfed it down. Fear Pit Bulls: The Psychology of Breedism, Fear, and Prejudice Bronwen Dickey's new book "Pit Bull" analyzes how a breed became demonized . May have to dive into that later :P Though for now, I'm making a 2-part Lets Play series on this gamejolt version, hope people enjoy :D Here's a link to the playlist so when I release part 2 they can both be viewed! Pitbulls have a history of biting people, especially small children. That dog was so well believed, and obviously the owner's baby. A two-year-old pit bull named Cruz is in desperate need of a loving home -- and he's about to steal your heart away. They are unpredictable. Hello, my name is Roxy and I’m a Pit Bull. Anonymous. Some years ago, before I had a dog, I was walking one morning near the Eastside/Yanonali Park and a pit bull bounded from an RV and raced at me about 100 yards away and bit my leg. In that same town, all 10 Pugs and 20 Pit Bulls bite someone. I’m more than happy to say that those feelings of fear quickly dissipated. Even the mixes are bad news. Just saying, if a pitbull mauls me I'm big dead, if a Chihuahua mauls me it's getting punted across the room. I know some of my brothers and sisters may look ‘fierce’ but we are be extremely loyal, loving and sweet too. It's mostly stereotype that pitbulls are dangerous, because any dog can bite a person. ☺️ Can someone explain to me why are people so afraid of us and banned us from many places? With world-class production and customer support, your satisfaction is guaranteed. (in'-stint rē-gret') n. I can only guess as to why it died. Most of the time, people who say such things about Pit Bull dogs - or any other breed - are really trying to say that your Pit Bull frightens them. . They’ve done it with plenty of dogs before. I’M A Celebrity viewers are sobbing after Jordan North broke down in tears over his fear of snakes – before being buried alive with them. Before he came into my life, I had sworn off men who owned pitbulls. His face will be inches from mine, and he'll stare at me until I try to speak. I’ll just wait here for my downvotes, thank you. Look how afraid this baby is! ... She eventually stopped going outside unless it was in her car because she was scared. Please help, askme. The 18-year-old singer has confessed she often sleeps in her parents’ bed instead of her own, because she thinks there are monsters in her bedroom that she’s “scared” of. (She’s a beautiful dog!) Yet there are two very cute pit bull puppies who might very well freeze to death because I was afraid to confront their owner, even if I had found him at home, where he hasn't been in awhile. — Pitbull (@pitbull) March 28, 2020. Give him up to a pit bull rescue. Despite this history, Pit Bull Rescue Central, a pit bull advocacy agency, claims online that many modern pit bulls are “genetically far removed” from their fighting ancestors. Eventually, so the theory goes, the Molossus made it to early Britain, where it became known as the Mastiff. Most days I wake up to my mutt, Sam, looking down at me. My DH was outside about a month ago, and the new neighbour came over with his blue nose pitbull named Lily. People just want something to blame. At the beginning of the year, a younger guy moved into the house across the street. Lynnmarie. Bear with us if you’re not a math person… The total of reported Pit Bull bites doesn’t reflect the likelihood of a Pit Bull bite. Carolina bully farms talks about the fear the media has put into the general public for the pitbull breed Some people are simply afraid of dogs. Why i'm scared of pitbulls. Discover Don't Be Afraid Of My Pitbull Sweatshirt, a custom product made just for you by Teespring. ", Press J to jump to the feed. As long … 0 1. Yes they can hurt you. Then there was Petey, the dog from “The Little Rascals” who was indeed an American pitbull terrier. Sgt. In one theory, pit bulls began during antiquity as the so-called Molossus, a now-extinct breed that was used by the Greeks as shepherds and guard dogs. They can be stubborn and agile, making unseemly people train them for attacking and illegal dog fighting. Whether it’s a puppy or fully-grown, you’ll find that these training tips may be exactly what you need in order to reach peak performance with your Pit Bull. Btw I'm not steriotyping pitbulls at all. Pitbulls have a well and stable temparent. We live in a housing development near the end of a cul de sac. I've woken up to my dogs ass in my face or paws firmly on my crotch many times. And now, seven years later, I’m more convinced than ever that she is the sweetest dog around. ... No, I'm not that bored. Kelly Wirtz, of Oak Lawn, still has a scar from the 37 stitches she got after the dog clamped down on her arm. They were featured on recruiting and propaganda posters during this time period. I'm glad you're enjoying this site. American Pit Bulls are a very misunderstood breed. Jonas Grinevičius and Mindaugas Balčiauskas. Jun 3, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by The Stafford Shire. That lady in france had her face ripped off by a lab and it supposedly wasnt even actually attacking her. I miss that doggo. The previous owner was notorious for getting dogs and not caring for them. Yes. Malevolent Myths. "A pit bull that attacked humans would have been useless to dog fighters," he contends; "the dogs needed to be handled by strangers in the middle of a fight." Owning a Pit Bull wouldn't make you a cool "bad ass" anymore. Also snoop was barking at the mail man one day and my bfs dad tried to calm him down and snoop nipped his hand. According to the ASPCA, 2,800 Pit Bulls and Pit-mixes are euthanized every day. Life with dogs is rough. Feb 10, 2019 - 9,873 points • 332 comments - Why i'm scared of pitbulls - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet!. When your friend starts talking about politics... New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the instant_regret community, Instant Regret Pits are great dogs. 9 Answers. I'm so scared that his pitbull is going to maul one of my kids. I don think I've ever seen that last picture. Back-yard breeders would decrease because the popularity would go down, while law-abiding families would be able to adopt one. If you have a dog then you know a lick up the nose or in the mouth is a nightmare. But snoop (the not so nice one) has snapped at and jumped at people during walks. Forum Information Forum Members: Total … Lv 7. Before the first syllable leaves my lips, he'll lick my chin. I'm curious how many people are scared of American pitbull terriers or any other so-called dangerous breed? It's not about them hating … Unfortunately, though, some people see him as scary simply because of his breed., Pit Bull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ID#: A062645. level 2. A Pit Bull war hero. Advice? Raise your pet's right. Full disclosure: I'm afraid of pit bulls. Future pet owners can look for a … Thanks for sharing the pic. Pit bulls don’t get a lot of love from people because of their ferocious reputation.