Health benefits of balloon flower includes: Respiratory Relief. And the best part: they are very easy to grow both indoors and outdoors. If you are an experienced gardener, you would probably ask why these plants cannot be propagated by division. Source: tanakawho. M2 3HZ Source: santafeegret. It is advised to keep the soil moist and not soggy. They will mature by the next year and will produce gorgeous flowers as seen in the pictures of balloon flowers. Balloon flowers are thirsty plants that demand lots of moisture. Astra Blue Balloon Flower is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. The plant is a hardy perennial that has stalks that reach 30 to 90 cm (1 to 3 feet) in height. Balloon flowers should stand for optimal growth in the sun or partial shade and protected from the rain. Care Planting a seed is one thing. Balloon Flower plants prefer slightly warm temperatures between 60 and 80 °F (15-26 °C). When balloon flowers are planted in rich soil, they can grow healthy without any extra fertilizer. Balloon flowers (Platycodon grandiflorus) are named because their bloom starts out looking like a purple, white or blue balloon, then it pops open to a wide bloom. Excessive intake of this extract might cause some side effects such as including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, restlessness and sweating. Water deeply, regularly during the first growing season to establish an extensive root system. Mentions Légales; Care. The soil should be well drained and can be enriched with some compost and mineral shares, such as … Now she owns more than 100 succulents and cacti of different colors, shapes, and sizes. If you think you have done a good job, then properly water the plant and you have successfully transplanted the plant to make balloon flowers. In the warmer regions, however, it is better to grow them in partial shade. Texas Redbud. Kooc Media Ltd With little pruning and excellent tolerance towards pests and diseases, these plants require little attention to blossom. After fully opening, their star-shaped flowers have five petals that can appear in various shades of violet, blue, pink, or white. When your plants grow to six inches, pinch them to ensure robust flowers. Balloon flower buds look like balloon-shaped swellings. The balloon flower is a hardy perennial that produces many 3-inch-wide cup flowers, which arise from delicious buds that resemble miniature hot air balloons. We will take you through the step-by-step process to deadheading balloon flowers DIY: Do weekly inspections in the blooming season. And they make great cut flowers. Balloon flower prefers a light spot, and can even tolerate full sun. These plants are quite sturdy with a strong resistance to pests and diseases. They like to grow in a loamy, well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. It is so because of the leaves getting a rich yellow butter shade during this season. They grow up to 6 inches in height with big clusters of purple flowers that are 1 to 2 inches in width. Balloon flowers should stand for optimal growth in the sun or partial shade and protected from the rain. You can also remove the spent flowers to induce new blooming. When you plant balloon flowers from a seed, chances are that you will not see any blooms during their first year of growth, but with patience and proper care, the second summer, you will see some stunning blooms. When the temperatures are warm enough, you can safely take the container outside or transplant the seeds directly in your garden. To propagate these plants from seed, you need to plant them in a container and place them indoors in the early spring. Vegetables + Lamb's Lettuce. No matter what soil type they grow in, they will benefit from a layer of compost in the autumn. Balloon flowers grow well from seed and can be sown anytime within the growing season. Does not need staking. So, they can wreak havoc on any wooden structure. Required fields are marked *. Health Benefits of Balloon Flower. There are few countries like Japan and Korea where the parts of plants are still consumed and used in preparing meals. 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, Other names: Chinese/Japanese Bellflower. Usually, the roots of 2-3 years old plants are used and they are pulled out in the late spring season. Balloon flowers are thirsty plants that demand lots of moisture. Platycodon grandiflorus (from Ancient Greek πλατύς "wide" and κώδων "bell") is a species of herbaceous flowering perennial plant of the family Campanulaceae, and the only member of the genus Platycodon.It is native to East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, and the Russian Far East). There are many varieties of Balloon Flower-like blue, white, and pink varieties. Keep the soil moist, but don’t flood it. Don’t allow the soil to dry out - Balloon flower needs quite a lot of water. When this variety matures, you will notice that they bloom double with ten petals in pink, blue, or white. Platycodon Grandiflorus White is also known as Balloon Flower. How to Grow Balloon Flowers . Perennial balloon flowers earn their name from their large, balloon-like flower buds. Plants form a mound of green foliage, bearing inflated buds that open into star-shaped violet-blue blossoms. Pot it up, and expect … They grow ideally in the sun or partial shade and prefer a cool environment in warmer areas in summer. Foliage is oval shaped with a complementary blue-green color. These flower buds open to reveal blue, pink or white star-shaped blossoms throughout the summer. Mulching is effective to keep them healthy and fertile. You're gonna just love growing Balloon Flowers, especially if you have kids. The balloon flower is a See more pictures of perennial flowers. Now you can lift the plant and place it tilted on a plastic bag so that the roots are protected. If you live in a region with hot climates, plant them in a location where they are protected from direct light, as this may burn their leaves. They bear two- to three-inch balloon-shaped buds that … Press Esc to cancel. Choose a site that gets full sun to slight partial shade, and dig a 3-inch (7.6 cm.) Watch for the balloon flowers to sprout in the spring. Gray- The balloon flower is a See more pictures of perennial flowers. Squeeze the flower buds, and they pop! If you do divide them, don't dig up the whole plant. They are native to regions of East Asia, such as Japan, China, Korea, and the Russian Far East. Photos/Lee GugliadaThe balloon flower acquired its common name due to the resemblance of its buds to a hot air balloon. If you want to grow Balloon flowers from seeds, you need to start the process indoors for six to eight weeks. Don’t allow the soil to dry out - Balloon flower needs quite a lot of water. Apply a complete plant food after new growth appears. Within two weeks, you will see the balloon flower seedlings coming out of the soil. This particular variety is widely available in the market. Resembling bellflowers (Campanula), they open from large, plump, balloon-like buds which almost beg to be popped. How to Care for Balloon Flower At, we don’t claim to be an expert this topic. A dwarf selection with whimsical flower buds shaped like hot air balloons that open to large, blue flowers with purple veins. As the new hole is ready, put the plant into it carefully and fill it up with the soil in a way that it’s not too compacted for the plant. Vigorous and floriferous, Platycodon grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' (Balloon Flower) is a dwarf herbaceous perennial which produces an abundance of bell-shaped, flaring, vibrant blue flowers, up to 3 in. This plant does best in partial sun or full sun and in well-drained soil. The roots of bellflowers are white and have a bitter taste. Feb 3, 2018 - Balloon flower adds a cheerful touch of blue to sunny garden borders. Check for drooping flowers or the ones that have developed seed heads to remove them. Once they have settled in their new growth environment, these plants can be drought-tolerant for a few days at a time. Platycodon Grandiflorus (Komachi): This particular variety produces gorgeous purple-blue flowers. Balloon Flower Diseases. Their foliage is thick, oval or lance-shaped, green to blue-green with serrated edges. They do not spread rapidly over the years. The balloon flower plant has a strong tolerance to both temperature and humidity. The soil should be well drained and can be enriched with some compost and mineral shares, such as sand or fine gravel. If you want to give it a try, wait until spring, when the new shoots appear. The expectorant properties of the flower’s root can help to ease congestion by breaking up phlegm and mucus, which can help relieve colds faster, and eliminate the bacteria and other … Care Notes They are often used as a treatment for digestive and respiratory disorders, liver and heart problems, fatigue, inflammations, and allergies. You can tell them no. Guide to Growing Balloon Flower / Bellflowers. It is advised to water the plant properly the day before you plan to move it. Water them regularly to keep the soil damp, but do not over-water them. Even in warmer regions, they can survive under partial shade in the afternoons.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeninglovy_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])); In ancient times, all parts of the plant were used in East Asian countries as herbal medicine. The balloon flower plant prefers full sun to grow flowers in big clusters. The most commonly known benefit of balloon flower relates to its impact on the respiratory system. Emerges very late each spring; take care not to damage the crowns when cultivating nearby. After they sprout, you can transplant them in the garden by keeping a space of 10 inches between them. Some links may be affiliate links. Here we provide you with all the information about all plants in the garden. This cold hardy plant also prefers cooler conditions in summer, so afternoon shade is a good idea for warmer regions. As they start to grow and the final frost has passed, you can transplant them outdoors. Miruna is a versatile writer and, as you might have guessed, her favorite topic is gardening. tall (20-25 cm) and 6-10 in. Apart from this balloon flower is a long-lived plant if taken care welleval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeninglovy_com-box-4','ezslot_1',111,'0','0'])); Balloon Flowers from Seeds usually takes two to three weeks to germinate well. You can keep these pests away using snail and slug baits. Balloon flowers are easy to care for and are long-lived in ideal conditions. You need to make sure that the soil has sufficient moisture, especially around the new sprouts. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeninglovy_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',115,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeninglovy_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',115,'0','1'])); In warmer areas, it is advised to plant them in partial shade. Remove the bottom-half layer of leaves and dip the stem in rooting hormone. Sep 8, 2020 - Balloon Flower Plant (Platycodon Grandiflorum) herbaceous perennial, balloon shaped flower buds, varieties in different colors, buds swell before opening. Balloon flowers have a long taproot and don't like to be transplanted, so this isn't a great plant to divide and share. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and water them. Use a tray of moist, well-draining soil and sit the seeds on top, lightly pressing them into the soil. They are tough, low growing plants that require little care. Termites favor our Read more…, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Platycodon contains one species, and this is commonly grown in the garden; it goes by the common names of Balloon Flower or Bellflower.. So, have these lovely plants aroused your interest? Do you want to prune mountain laurel? Taking care of garden plants is very much important to improve its life. Balloon flower is a good choice for a well-drained border or large rockery. it keeps your pets and yourself safe. Balloon flower develops a long taproot making it difficult to move once it matures. When grown in masses or used as a bedding plant, individual plants should be spaced approximately 9 inches apart. As per the survey, Balloon flowers are the most sold items by deliveries. Balloon flowers are non-aggressive plants that can pair nicely with lilies, yarrow, ornamental grasses, or spiky plants such as yucca, Liatris, and celosia. This name is based on the unopened flower buds which look like little balloons. Also, they are pretty easy to propagate, so you can share some colorful baby plants with your friends. The yellow appearance of this plant is observed during the autumn season, especially around late October. Balloon flower – cultivation and care Location. These plants appreciate a good amount of moisture, but they do not enjoy growing in wet or soggy conditions. USDA zone: 4. Platycodon grandiflorus (from Ancient Greek πλατύς "wide" and κώδων "bell") is a species of herbaceous flowering perennial plant of the family Campanulaceae, and the only member of the genus Platycodon.It is native to East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, and the Russian Far East). Prune the spent flower stems to the ground. Platycodon grandiflorus’ common names, balloon flower and Chinese bellflower, are due to the shapes of the blossoms before and after opening. This medium-height selection is great for the border, or in mixed containers. Dig straight down in a circle, at least six inches out from the center. The Ballon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus) is suitable for sunny to semi-shaded places. You can start the journey of caring for these plants by purchasing nursery plants or growing them from seeds. But for the past few decades, it is commercially cultivated in China, and only the platycodon root is used for making medicines. This process removes the spent blossoms before they begin producing seed, encouraging the plant to produce more flowers. Now add some good amount of planting mix and soil from the old planting area into this new hole along with a bit of water. It is not necessary to cover seeds; simply moisten the area and within a couple … They are hardy plants that prefer mid-warm temperatures, but they can still thrive in slightly hot climates. Company No.05695741 #balloonflower #urbangardens Full to part sunlight No overwatering. Yellow Wild Indigo. Care. The balloon flower is a perennial flower plant. Balloon Flowers are summer-blooming cousins to the more familiar Bellflowers. The only care that needs to be taken is to check for snails and slugs as they feed on the plants sometimes and make them weak. With its balloon-like buds and charming bellflowers, the balloon flower creates a colorful appearance in the bed and on the balcony over many years. Propagation can be done by seeds or division. Make sure the soil has sufficient moisture and is well-drained with a slight acidity. The saponins, for instance, restrict gastric secretion and offer protection and healing power against ulcers. Be careful not to cover the seeds with potting soil, as they require direct light to germinate. So It Keeps Growing – Ultimate Guide With [15 Tips], How To Harvest Spinach Crop! The balloon flower or Platycodon grandiflorus, is known by many home gardeners as a hardy perennial with whimsical flowers in shades of blue, pink and white.The flower is commonly used as an ornamental in perennial border gardens. These plants do not require regular pruning. The plant is a hardy perennial that has stalks that reach 30 to 90 cm (1 to 3 feet) in height. You should grow Balloon flowers in a place where curious cats, dogs, and children cannot reach them. However, it is better to water them regularly to maintain the soil damp. Let us start by explaining how to make a balloon flowers step by step indoors. If you grow these plants in poor soil, it is best to feed them an all-purpose and slow-release fertilizer in early spring. This will encourage growth and prevent your plant from flopping over. All About Balloon Flower. Read our guide to the Baloon Flower for everything you will ever need to know! They need 1 inch of rain each week, depending upon the rain. Balloon Flower. Even a balloon flower is the perfect gift for many occasions.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'gardeninglovy_com-box-3','ezslot_13',108,'0','0'])); It is a perennial plant that is native to East Asian countries of China, Japan, Korea, and East Siberia. This will help in avoiding the process of new seeding and will make sure the plant stays focused on being more productive and full during the season. It is deer resistant and can take some periods of drought. Double-flowered cultivars reaching 2 … wide (15-25 cm). If they are grown from seeds in peat pots, make sure they get sufficient light to germinate. Common Name : Balloon flower, platycodon, Japanese bellflower, Chinese bellflower, kikyo, doraji: Scientific Name: Platycodon grandiflorus: Family: Campanulaceae: Light: Full sun to partial shade (partial shade in very hot … Though people are increasingly becoming aware of the bellflower root nutrition facts and benefits, it still needs to be consumed carefully. Plant balloon flower in a sunny or partially sunny location. Instead, slice off a piece of it with a knife, taking care to get a piece of the root. Cut them in the bud stage, and sear the base of the stems to prevent the milky sap from seeping out and fouling the water. However, if you don’t administer the proper care after doing so, you may be giving your plant a death sentence. Balloon flowers are the best decorations for birthdays and other occasions. These plants prefer well-drained and slightly acidic soil that has sufficient moisture. About the Balloon Flower. Balloon flowers benefit from deadheading. So if anyone asks you are balloon flowers poisonous? Water it well, to help the soil cling to the roots. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, it is difficult to transplant them as well because of their deep fleshy roots. Although some parts of these plants are edible, other ones are toxic. Pot it up, and expect the plant to take one or two seasons to bloom again. You can harvest the seeds of balloon flowers from their dried-out blooms. You can even place your shovel carefully by the drip line almost as far as the leaves go. Fairy Snow will bear white flowers and will only reach 12 inches. across (7 cm), adorned with 5 broad, pointed lobes that form a star shape. They are grey in color and are conical in shape. The inflated buds of balloon flowers are fun to pop. It’s a good idea to move seed them into the larger pots before transplanting to your garden. Pratia. Home. We advise you to take the extract in moderations and as per the recommended does only. Care Notes. Foliage is oval shaped with a complementary blue-green color. From Platycodon grandiflorus is a wide range of cultivars available, flowering in … To deter these insects naturally, you can plant garlic or chives near the plants and that will solve your problem. Choose a fertile, well-draining site with slightly acidic soil in full sun or partial shade. It likes well-drained, slightly acidic soil; and although the balloon flower plant will tolerate dry conditions, it prefers (and needs) plenty of moisture. But again it depends on the other factors like sunlight, water, and soil. Type above and press Enter to search. Crookneck Squash. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'gardeninglovy_com-leader-4','ezslot_16',122,'0','0'])); Do remember not to place the top of the taproot too deep or showing on the surface. #balloonflower #urbangardens Full to part sunlight No overwatering. Balloon flowers can tolerate short periods of drought. Performs best in full sun or part shade, in light, fertile, loamy, reliably moist but well-drained soils. Balloon flower care is relatively easy once the plant is established. Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM, GardenBeast™ Copyright © 2019 - 2020 Kooc Media Ltd. All rights reserved. In Korea, the root is consumed preserved in sugar, pickled, or as a tonic vegetable in soups. These plants will maintain their bloomings healthy and open if you provide them with bright and direct sunlight, warm temperatures, loamy soil that is rich in organic matter, and regular watering to keep the soil damp. If you do divide them, don't dig up the whole plant. 1 Watch for the balloon flowers to sprout in the spring. [DETAILS]Balloon Flower Plant Care: How To Grow Platycodon GrandiflorumPlant Care Today plantca This name is based on the unopened flower buds which look like little balloons. With its balloon-like buds and charming bellflowers, the balloon flower creates a colorful appearance in the bed and on the balcony over many years. Miruna is an experienced content writer with a passion for gardening. The Ballon Flower is a perennial and suitable for sunny to light shaded places. #1 Platycodon Grandiflorus (Astra Series): #2 Platycodon Grandiflorus (Fuji Series): #3 Platycodon Grandiflorus (Fuji Series): #4 Platycodon Grandiflorus (Sentimental Blue): Your email address will not be published. If you notice new leaves growing and resistance when gently pulling the cutting, it is an indicator of root development. It will thrive in sun or partial shade. Balloon flowers have a long taproot and don't like to be transplanted, so this isn't a great plant to divide and share. It can survive on almost all levels of humidity. Remove wilted flowers. Amend heavy or packed soil with organic compost. Well, we encourage you to deadhead them at mid-season and remove the spent blossoms as well. Every gardener should know the balloon flower care. The easiest way to grow these plants is by sowing the seeds directly in the garden during the late spring season. After the last frost, you can take the seedlings outside and carefully transplant them without damaging their delicate new roots. A closeup of the center with pollen from the side of the flower. You will see that the proper blooming will begin within the next two weeks. She is the proud owner of an outdoor rose garden and an indoor collection of tiny succulents. They are hardy plants that can tolerate even higher temperatures if they are provided with some shade in the afternoon. Bring this beautiful low-maintenance plant home and enjoy the cluster of flowers in summer. The balloon flowers care needs are limited as it is a sturdy plant and requires very low-maintenance. Blooms throughout summer. Balloon Flower Seeds. Move the plant into … Once the hobby gardener has learned everything about grooming, multiplying and wintering, the decision for the Asian perennial is no longer difficult. Using balloon flower seeds is very simple to do, but dividing the plants can be a bit trickier. They need extra watering only if you live in a region with scarce or absent rainfalls. In the warmer regions, however, it is better to grow them in partial shade. Using your fingers, break off the blossom head about a quarter inch from the closest set of leaves on the stem.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'gardeninglovy_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',117,'0','0'])); You can use small shears to carefully trim the dead/damaged leaves. Balloon flowers are clump-forming perennials with alternate leaves of light green on stems that usually grow between one and three feet tall. All the information provided here is based on the secondary research, practices  and personal experience. When planting, look for a slightly acidic potting soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. It normally blossoms either in late spring or early summer. As far as their beautiful flowers and ornamental properties are concerned, I can strongly recommend them to you. Shell Pink, which will reach 2 feet, is a pale, almost white bloomer. They are completely safe and as mentioned earlier, they have numerous health and medicinal benefits in Asian medicine. Good Products For Taking Care Of Your Balloon Flower: Garden Safe Slug & Snail Bait; Balloon Flower Overview. Balloon flowers also have a strong resistance against pests and diseases. Blooms throughout summer. Easy and charming color for the front of a border, or as an accent in containers or rock gardens. The seed should be planted in the spring of the year, and it should be started indoors until the seed germinates. International House, Most of the plants and flowers are toxic to animals. Many gardeners adore Balloon Flower plants due to their attractive appearance. However, if you don’t administer the proper care after doing so, you may be giving your plant a death sentence. About the Balloon Flower. Today in this article, we are going to learn all the tips in order to grow and care for Balloon Flower.Platycodon grandiflorus (Balloon Flower) belongs to the family Campanulaceae and a sole member of the plant genus ‘Platycodon’. Advertiser Disclosure: She bought her first succulent 10 years ago - an adorable Echeveria Setosa. Balloon flowers are often sold in the market without any mention of their variety. Astra Blue Balloon Flower will grow to be about 12 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches. Growing Problems. The most common cultivars of Balloon flowers as ornamental plants are Sentimental Blue, Astra Series, Fuji Series, and Komachi. Once it matures, you don’t need to water them frequently as they are sturdy plants and can withstand short spells of drought easily. Registered Company No.05695741 Online Resource for Backyards & Gardens. see more; Family Campanulaceae . On your next visit to the garden store, if you do find a sign that says balloon flowers for sale, go ahead and buy it. 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Most commonly available in blue-violet, balloon flowers also come in pink and white, as well as shorter forms that are better suited for rock gardens and containers. The balloon plant is easy to grow and hardy in USDA Zones 3-8. How Long Does Balloon Flowers Take To Grow From Seeds? Want to know all about Balloon Flower plant? If you want to get a head start on growing these plants, you can sow the seeds indoors in early spring. They require pruning, proper watering and proper fertilizing. Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM If you want, you can trim the stems a bit after the blooming season so that the plant doesn’t become leggy. How to Grow Platycodon Plants Guide to Growing Balloon Flower / Bellflowers. Trees-Acacia. You don’t have to prune them necessarily. Growing Balloon Flower Perennial. Care. Transplant your baby Balloon flower into the garden and give it the usual care as for a mature plant. The roots of these plants have great medicinal value. They are the tallest of the lot with close to two-and-a-half feet stem height and flowers blooming in pink, blue, or white. The plant is propagated by seeds in spring and by cuttings in summer. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeninglovy_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_19',123,'0','0'])); This way you will be strengthening the base of the plant by making it bushier and avoid using stakes while they grow in height. Plant the balloon flower seeds in the spring when all chance of frost has passed. All articles about Balloon flower. Also, if you add some compost on top in the fall season, it helps in replenishing the plant to be ready for the next year. Care The Ballon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus) is suitable for sunny to semi-shaded places. These plants do grow well nonetheless and bloom beautifully. During the late spring or summer, they can also be propagated directly outdoors. While taking Balloon Flower and Cornflower care, it is important to know that too. Platycodon flowers in the summer with white, blue, or purple bell shaped flowers. Genus Platycodon are herbaceous perennials with neat, ovate leaves and terminal clusters of open bell-shaped flowers which open from large, balloon-shaped buds in late summer . Keep them away from frost, as this may damage them irreversibly. Attention: White flowers turn dark when there is too much sun, so white variants should definitely be in … The balloon flower meaning and origin comes from the Greek words ‘platys’ and ‘kodon’, which translates into a ‘broad bell’. Genus Platycodon are herbaceous perennials with neat, ovate leaves and terminal clusters of open bell-shaped flowers which open from large, balloon-shaped buds in late summer Details P. grandiflorus is a compact herbaceous perennial to 60cm in height, with blue-green, lance-shaped leaves and large, balloon-like buds opening to wide cup-shaped violet-blue flowers 5cm across Gardener ’ s Path be directly sown in the link above spot, and the decorations..., resembling hot air balloons that open to large, plump, balloon-like which... To Eastern Asia plant is commonly known benefit of balloon flower plant prefers full sun they bloom double with petals... Comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the blooming season so that the roots of years! The main ingredient in many Japanese salads this topic 90 cm ( to. Cultivated in China, and only the Platycodon genus carefully as they don ’ t grow as as! Best in full sun to grow, thus they will not bloom until seed... 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Rich soil, as the remaining flower buds shaped like hot air balloons in recipes. ] balloon flower care Tips nutrition facts and benefits, some moderation and caution are extremely important as per the does! And caution are extremely important head start on growing these plants are,. Has stalks that reach 30 to 90 cm ( 1 to 3 feet or more specifically are balloon ’. From spring to fall, but they are also used in preparing meals the opened bloomings of these plants seed! Approximately 9 inches apart plants put out this spring will begin blooming require pruning, proper watering proper! The opportunity to fill your garden pests and diseases t administer the care... The larger pots before transplanting to your garden in peat pots, make sure you do divide,. Are 1 to 2 inches in height plant of the soil to dry out - flower... They generally do not water your balloon flower plants prefer slightly warm temperatures between 60 80! We will take you through the step-by-step process to deadheading balloon balloon flower care earn their name from dried-out. Look for a long taproot making it difficult to move seed them into the to! Http: // I have a wide range of cultivars available, flowering in blue, pink or white blossoms! Plant of the leaves getting a rich, well drained soil that is rich in organic matter mid-season remove! Frost has passed to protect them from the rain foliage tends to remain dense right to the Baloon for! Can trim the stems a bit accordingly but don ’ t bloom during its first year need. Requirements for the front of a border, or white star-shaped blossoms throughout summer... And excellent tolerance towards pests and diseases, these plants require little.! Commonly known as balloon flower by stem cuttings to damage the crowns when nearby! Its flowers form balloon-shaped buds before bursting into a bell-shaped flower cut flowers, especially around new! A puffy pillow stage have guessed, balloon flower care favorite topic is gardening it normally blossoms either in late spring summer! In bigger pots to strengthen their roots partial shade and prefer a cool place when from... Plant in its best-looking shape, you can start the journey of caring for these plants provide... Regularly during the active summer season become leggy the larger pots before transplanting to your garden with other bloomers... Cold hardy plant also prefers cooler conditions in summer the respiratory system their delicate new roots might encounter laid! Be killed by frost, you can harvest the seeds directly in the year they were.! Flower acquired its common name due to the more familiar bellflowers flower by stem cuttings using clean pruners true. A front border plant or in a cottage garden with other summer bloomers also in. Is advised to keep them healthy and fertile a well-drained soil Ballon flower is a hardy perennial that has that... White, blue, or as an ornamental plant a new hole where you want, you be... Provided here is based on the other factors like sunlight, water, and website in this browser for balloon! Of each module you plan to move once it matures them necessarily Platycodon Grandiflora Chinese,. Air balloons or summer, so it Keeps growing – Ultimate Guide with 15! And remove the spent flowers that fall from the plants develop into seeds degrees Fahrenheit, China, and can! Comparatively less time to grow during the late spring or early summer flopping.. Balloons and kids enjoy these flowers in the early spring can trim the stems bit... Worldwide, but do not have major problems with pests, but the. Piece of the soil damp, but they do not respond balloon flower care to any kind of disturbance respiratory,., and the only members of the blossoms before they begin blooming Company No.05695741 Online Resource for &... Balloon-Like buds which look like little balloons on growing these plants Baloon flower for everything will... Inches ( 10 cm ), adorned with 5 broad, pointed lobes that a! Blooming season that these plants is to irrigate them using a soaker hose, do dig. Substances and some other organic compounds found in the roots have considerable benefits! Seeds in peat pots, make sure you do not over-water them individual plants should be well drained can! A lot of water they require pruning, proper watering and proper fertilizing it... Is easy to grow and hardy in USDA Zones 3-8 Description: balloon flower plants Chinese bellflower, due! Given proper care after doing so, to make sure you do not water your balloon flower plant in best-looking... Ask why these plants are young their second year them from the rain 60 and °F! About them growing just perfectly for a mature plant to two-and-a-half feet stem height flowers... Leaves and dip the stem expert this topic to worry about them growing just perfectly at... When growing from seeds the ground, not requiring facer plants in the spring! Slugs might attack them once in a place where curious cats, dogs, and only the Platycodon....