AIOU Admission 2020 Matric, BA, FA, M.ed, B.ed, B.Com, I.Com, Ph.D AIOU Admission 2020 Procedure: Study is structured on a modified semester system. AIOU Admission 2020 Procedure Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has extended the deadline for admission in Autumn 2020 semester till November 2, 2020 (Monday). PGD Programmes Spring Admission 2020 Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) fee, admission form, last date and further information are available here. AIOU Admission update, matric, intermediate, F.A, certificate course, PHD, MPhill, MS, MSC, BA, Associate Program, MA, B.ed, M.ed, PGD, AIOU Hub AIOU Head Office as we know is located in Islamabad. Last date to apply for AIOU SSC & HSSC admissions is 21 February 2020. AIOU … ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Sep, 2020 ) :Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced PGD programs for professional development in four fields. In addition, It has the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to the masses and to those who cannot leave their homes and jobs. Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad has announced admission for session 2020. Admissions Merit Lists For Semester Autumn 2020 More Details. There are number of students get admission in Aiou. aiou is one of the best webs Where you can find all types of information and download all solved Assignments. Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU Starts General Admissions of spring 2020. AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University) Admissions Open for Semester Autumn 2020 MSc Programs (Economics, Public Nutrition, Pakistan Studies, Administrative Sciences, and Gender and Women Studies), MA Programs (Urdu, Islamic Studies, Arabic, M.Com (Accounting & Finance)) Now! Alla ma Iqbal Open University Addmissions Last Date 2020 Update. Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU announced the Admission 2020 Autumn Semesters.Students those want to get the admission in the Allama Iqbal open university they have now the opportunity to get the admission 2019 nowadays because admission is announced recently for the spring semester.. 15th October, 2020. Here you can find the latest AIOU Admission 2021 CT PTC PGD and Diploma in Education. The university is the world’s fourth largest institution of higher learning. AIOU is a public type University located in Islamabad Pakistan that’s was recognized in 1974. AIOU Admission Form 2020 Download. AIOU Spring Admission 2020 Matric Inter FA BA BEd BCom MA MEd Forms and Last Date to Apply Online. The AIOU also offers admission in the short courses, diploma and certificate courses in different programs to the students living in far off areas of the country. If your admission in AIOU for spring 2020 has done then now you have to submit the AIOU tutor form for searching subject wise teacher for Matric, FA, BA, BEd, and or any undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate programs. Online fee payment facility for students. Checkout the aiou fee structure for pgd from this page. Allama Iqbal Open University Program Courses List 2020 has announced for the next year 2021 the students can check the latest matriculation courses for new AIOU Admission.So before sending the admission the whole people read the different curriculum syllabus is printed by the official administration for everyone. Both fresh and continuing students can avail this opportunity without any late fee charges. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has recently announced the schedule for the admission test of merit-based programs 2020. Allama Iqbal Open University Admission Spring 2020 For B.A, BBA, BS, ADE, B.Ed, M.Ed, PGD.Last Date of Submission Application Form is April 15, 2020) Interested candidates have been advised to apply online for the admission of several programs See Also: HEC LAW GAT Test […] Students from different cities intended to apply. 500/- only. You can check all details related to submission dates for PTC CT B.ED BS PGD ALL POSTGRADUATE programme autumn spring 2019 and 2020. The AIOU has also extended the last date for the deposit of the admission fee for PGD, BA, BSc, B.Ed, MA, MSc, M.Ed, and Associate Degree course by the final date of 05 June 2020. The university has 44 regional campuses and centers throughout Pakistan. Allama Iqbal Open University ( AIOU), Islamabad announced admission 2020 for MASTER (MA / MSc) Programs. The candidates can carry on their studies as a private student to get AIOU admission 2020 for spring and fall sessions in Matric, F.A, B.A, M.A, B.ed, M.ed and more also can do their jobs and business efficiently during the time span of continuing their studies with AIOU learning program. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan, Research & Educational Technology Committee, distance, non-formal and continuing education, directorate of students advisory & counselling services, directorate of academic planning & course production, directorate of information & communication technology, directorate of overseas education & e-learning, office of research,innovation and commercialization, Postponement of Ongoing Exams w.e.f 26-11-2020, Spring 2020. For more update you can join me at my YOUTUBE channel AIOU STUDIO 9. aiou result 2020 fa. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan, Research & Educational Technology Committee, distance, non-formal and continuing education, directorate of students advisory & counselling services, directorate of academic planning & course production, directorate of information & communication technology, directorate of overseas education & e-learning, office of research,innovation and commercialization, Admission System for Fresh Merit Based Programs, Admission Form for Overseas Pakistani Students, Admission Form for Skill Development Training Courses (Only for Gilgit and Skardu), Admission Form for eCommerce Business Training Program. MBA Viva Voce Result held on November 12, 19-20,2020 More Details. Further, AIOU Admissions provide students with different services as: Firstly, students can get the admission forms from the official website of AIOU Admissions. AIOU Matric Programs Courses List 2020. As they announce about the aiou addmissions 2020 for autumn as well as spring semesters.They annouced the aiou addmissions for the current semester. Here you can find the latest AIOU Admission 2021 CT PTC PGD and Diploma in Education. PTC CT B.ED BS PGD ALL POSTGRADUATE aiou assignments schedule dates for spring autumn semester 2019 and 2020. AIOU SSC & HSSC Admissions 2020: Allama Iqbal Open University Announces admissions for matric and inter level students. AIOU extends date of admission for Autumn 2020 semester. Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU tutor search 2020 by name and roll No for the confirmation letter and address information is written here. The academic year is divided into two semesters namely Spring and Autumn. For the spring and autumn semester, the institution is going to announce AIOU MA Prospectus 2020 latest up to date designed for the master level programs of MSc, M.Ed and PGD diploma holders can free download AIOU Prospectus 2020 in Urdu at Applications are invited for follwoing MASTER (MA / MSc), BACHELOR, DIPLOMA / CERT (After Matric), DIPLOMA / CERT (After INTER), PG DIPLOMA / CERT degree Programs. AIOU extends date of admission for Autumn 2020 semester. PGD Programmes Spring Admission 2020 Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) fee, admission form, last date and further information are available here. The students who want to get admission and want to complete their education they must apply for such admission … For Semester Autumn 2020 Admission System for Fresh Merit Based Programs Admission Form for Fresh Students Admission Form for Continue Students Admission Form for Overseas Pakistani Students Admission Form for Skill Development Training Courses (Only for Gilgit and Skardu) Admission Form for eCommerce Business Training Program Downloads Prospectus Students who wish to take admissions in matric or intermediate class in Allama Iqbal Open University must do hurry. Specifically, in 2020 the Autumn admissions provide students more space to get registered in AIOU. Allama Iqbal Open University Finally open Admission 2021 in these Programs (Certificate of Teaching(CT Arts),Primary Teaching Certificate (PTC),Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGD, (CSs),and Diploma in Education Program) The Admission open in … AIOU admission 2020 Spring Semester last date is 05th June 2020 as extended by university due to lock-down and COVID-19 outbreak. AIOU Autumn Admission 2020 For BS/BA/ Post Graduate Programs Apply Online Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU Islamabad has announced the admission autumn 2020. All the specialization subjects of education, mass communication, criminology, population, and development description are … ... PGD. Furthermore, the Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May 1974. Now! The academics year is separated into 2 semesters particularly Spring and Autumn. Allama Iqbal Open University management announced the AIOU post graduate admission 2020 last date. ilmkidynya provides complete information of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Fee Structure 2020 for all Undergraduate, Postgraduate, BS, MS/M.Phil and PhD Programs Allama Iqbal University is offering admission Matric to is affiliated with the Higher Education Commission. aiou is provide some correct information about AIOU ADMISSION 2020. AIOU Autumn Admission 2020 Online Allama Iqbal Open University has announced (AIOU) Admission Autumn AIOU Admissions in,, BS 4 years Program, MBA, MA, M.ed, Post Graduate diploma, Bachelor in Science and Arts, Teaching Training Programs, Secondary school certificate, Higher secondary school certificate, Certificate courses, technical courses and many other programs offered by AIOU. All Information about AIOU Continue & Fresh Admission processed . AIOU Results 2020 Candidates who are going to get admission in spring season, they can get its admission from online free on this page. AIOU Admission Schedule 2020 Spring, Autumn FA, BA, BEd, MEd, MA. Students from different cities intended to apply. ... Last date to apply for AIOU SSC & HSSC admissions is 21 February 2020. AIOU is fourth largest University institute of higher learning education by maintain its name. Classes Schedule of MSC Statistics for Autumn 2020. AIOU Admission Schedule 2020 Spring, Autumn FA, BA, BEd, MEd, MA the last date has extended by the management so now those students who cannot apply now can apply before the 30 October 2020 because this is the last date of admission. Forms for AIOU post graduate admission 2020 can be submitted till February 14 (Tomorrow). Assalam-o-Alaikum! Allama Iqbal Open University Admission 2020 . AIOU DATE SHEET ROLL NO SLIPS. AIOU Matric Programs Courses List 2020. Download AIOU Admission Form 2020 Last date. AIOU SSC & HSSC Admissions 2020: Allama Iqbal Open University Announces admissions for matric and inter level students. Allama Iqbal Open University Finally open Admission 2021 in these Programs (Certificate of Teaching(CT Arts),Primary Teaching Certificate (PTC),Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGD, (CSs),and Diploma in Education Program) The Admission open in … Educational Services by AIOU Admissions 2020. Allama Iqbal Open University Program Courses List 2020 has announced for the next year 2021 the students can check the latest matriculation courses for new AIOU Admission.So before sending the admission the whole people read the different curriculum syllabus is printed by the official administration for everyone. Application form for the admission spring 2020 has been updated you just … Checkout the aiou fee structure for pgd from this page. #AIOU #New #Degree_Program Announced Admission 2020 Allama Iqbal Open University ( AIOU), Islamabad announced admission 2020 for Undergraduate Programs Date: 27 March, 2020 … All instruction and important information is … Details of admissions in BA, BBA, BS, ADE, B.Ed, ADC, M.Ed, Post Graduate & PG Diploma, MA, MSc, PGD Mass Communication, TEFL, ELM, Forestry & Environmental Design process is described well in below given advertisement. The educational system of AIOU has a vast range of administrative skills. Students who wish to take admissions in matric or intermediate class in Allama Iqbal Open University must do hurry. As they had also update the admission confirmation details for autumn 2019. They Posted the addmissions news in newspapers. This is a public university in Islamabad, Pakistan. Assalam-o-Aliakum! aiou is providing some correct information about AIOU ADMISSION 2021. There are number of students get admission in Aiou. Alerts. Find the AIOU admission last date below, details regarding fee structure, late admission fee charges, AIOU due date of forms submission, programs outline and eligibility criteria, AIOU jobs for tutors, results for the previous sessions and more. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has extended the deadline for admission in Autumn 2020 semester till November 2, 2020 (Monday).Both fresh and continuing students can avail this opportunity without any late fee charges. 1st September, 2020. Last date to apply for AIOU Islamabad admission is 08 September, 2020 Last date to apply for admission (Online or By Hand) 08-09-2020 Admission open in 162 Universities and Colleges Admission form and its relative material will also upload on this page which will give you complete idea that how you will fill the admission from or any other instruction. AIOU Open Admission Autumn 2021 You can get the Prospectus of matric, inter, BA,, B Tech Programs, Certificate Courses and short term educational programs are available in Just Rs. General education and functional courses are offered in each semester. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) merit list 2020 announced today and all those candidates who apply in this university can check complete merit list online free from this page. Start Date. The open university offers AIOU autumn admission and spring. AIOU Admission 2020. 300/-,, MBA and all other post graduate programs in Rs. Recently, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad has announced that all over the students of their university can quickly check and confirm their admission in the desired courses via aiou admission confirmation tool, in which they had taken admission. aiou is the one of the best web Where you can find all type of information and download all solved Assignment. The AIOU offers different programs which include Ph.D., MS, and M.Phil. All interested students can download aiou prospectus spring 2020 for pgd programs here or can collect your nearest book shop. Date: 18 October, 2020 . AIOU Continue Admission Form Link: Postponement of AIOU Exams For Semester Spring 2020 More Details. The AIOU offers different programs which include Ph.D., MS, and M.Phil. When AIOU announces the admission through its website or newspapers, the candidates can get the complete information and they apply as advised to them. Class / Program. Updated at 15-July-2020. 50/-, CT and ATTC in Rs.100/-, FSC and French Online in Rs. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has recently announced the schedule for the admission test of merit-based programs 2020. Last Date. Interested candidates have been advised to apply online for the admission of several programs See Also: HEC LAW GAT Test […] All interested students can download aiou prospectus spring 2020 for pgd programs here or can collect your nearest book shop. Get admission form for continue admissions AIOU for matric, BA MA and more with assignments. Admission Procedure: AIOU is offering the Study is based on a modified semester system. Furthermore, the details for Autumn admission in AIOU are the following: Firstly, the Martic admissions start in July and end in the last week of August. Alerts. AIOU has issued the complete and comprehensive AIOU Spring Semester Assignment Submission Schedule 2020 for the B.Ed, BS, PGD, M.Ed and MA/MSc programs for the spring semester 2020. The candidates will submit the assignments of the BA, BSc, B.Ed, PGD, MA, MSc and M.Ed programs by the newly extended date of 13 May 2020. Announce about the aiou offers different programs which include Ph.D., MS, and.... 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