They can rotate under the sea lion's body and support it, enabling the sea lion to "walk" with the flippers on land. Seals vs Sea Lions Both seals and sea lions, together with the walrus, are pinnipeds, which means “fin-footed” in Latin. Seals do not have external ears. External Ear. Elephant seals, on the other hand, are uniformly tan colored all over, and seen only rarely within the parks. They are actually different animal families under the order “pinniped,” which means “fin-footed” in Latin. Sea lions belong to family Otariidae. Females are much smaller. Each world has more than 20 groups with 5 puzzles each. Telling the Difference Between a Seal vs Sea Lion Before where, you should understand who these creatures are that we're talking about. Harbor seals come in a variety of colors from almost pure white to mottled gray or brown, but usually some form of color patterning is visible. Males measure about 20 feet long (6 meters), while females are about half as long. The first difference between the seals and sea lions that we will discuss is the shape of their bodies and front fore flippers. They are often seen bobbing in the surf, checking out the shoreline. 4. They are mammals, which means that they have live young, produce milk, have hair (or fur) on their bodies, and breathe air. Fur seals, actually in the sea lion group, having extremely long hind flippers. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Although they feed in the sea, they surface for air. Seals lack an external ear flap whereas sea lions have an external ear flap that is visible. The largest is the southern elephant seal. The other resident eared seal is the Steller, or Northern, sea lion (Eumetopias jubata), a federally threatened species. Seals have little holes on their head, and lacks a pinnae. One must travel somewhere else along the California coast to see a spectacular adult male elephant seal, with its long proboscis, or nose, for which the species is named. An adaptation is passed from generation to generation. They are both members of the order Pinnipedia, which means “feather footed.” Pinnipeds have a substantial system of nerves in their upper lips and use thick whiskers called vibrissae to find food. Fur seals, actually in the sea lion group, having extremely long hind flippers. When discussing the difference between the seal vs. sea lion we can find five main differences that have to do with their anatomy and character traits. (907.18 kg). Taxonomic discussions tend to be a bit muddled as scientists strive to classify all the different species on the planet. Then ask them to compare how each animal uses its flippers on land and in water. Start learning with a free trial at out Mike's video here! True seals are termed "earless" because they lack an external ear flap, whereas in "eared" seals or sea lions an external ear flap is visible. 1. Crescent City, CA Kim Hulse, National Geographic Society Introduce the concept of classification.Discuss why scientists classify animals into different groups. CodyCross is a famous newly released game which is developed by Fanatee. Most of the California sea lions in RNSP are adult and subadult males that migrate north after the breeding season in southern California. Seal is a member of the Phocidae family. Looking at the photos of sea lions vs. fur seals, can you find any other ways to tell them apart? Sea lions and seals live with dolphins and otters as sea lovers attracting people to beaches and aquariums. If you have ever seen an episode of Shark Week chances are you have seen the specials that showcase the great white sharks jumping off the coast of South Africa. Noticing the differences between a Sea Lion and a Harbor Seal: First off, let’s talk about those good looks. Ask students to think of an example of two animals that look similar but belong to different families. They return to land to give birth and nurse their young. Fur seals are eared seals and belong to family Otariidae. This curated collection for learners in grades 3-5 can be implemented at home with minimal supplies and includes engaging, fun, and skill-building lessons in social studies, geography, science, and more. See more ideas about Sea lion, Animals, Lions. The seals are classified as earless pennipeds while the sea lions are classified as eared pennipeds. 1145 17th Street NW Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were once abundant and commonly seen at Point Lobos as recently as the 1950’s. But after a thorough inspection, you may know the difference between sea lion vs seal.However, the differences are not very notable, but a good comparison between sea lion vs seal will show you the apparent differences. They usually have a streamlined barrel shape and four flippers at the end of each limb. This causes differences between the two in locomotion when on land: seals move forward by caterpillar-like hitching movements; sea lions use their hind legs to walk or even gallop across land. Exactly how fast can seals and sea lions swim? If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. 1111 Second Street Fur seals are occasionally seen off the RNSP coastline farther out to sea, however, they do not come ashore here, and breed in the far northern Pacific. animal with hair that gives birth to live offspring. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Sea lions have visible small external ears. The group of marine mammals consisting of seals, sea lions, and walruses is known as the Pinnipeds, (from "pinna" meaning "feather" + "pes" meaning "foot" = "feather-footed"). Steller sea lions have golden-colored fur with darker extremities, and instead of the "bark" of the California sea lion, Stellers vocalize by growling or "bellowing". Seals vs. Sea Lions. a modification of an organism or its parts that makes it more fit for existence. Next, there is a pretty … Code of Ethics. 95531. This activity targets the following skills: The resources are also available at the top of the page. Seals, on the other hand, have no external ear flap but instead have ear holes. Tell students that the science of classifying organisms into different groups is taxonomy. Female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring. Put your skills to the test and come visit the seals and sea lions at the Aquarium! Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. But … It is classified as earless pinnipeds and is closely related to sea lion and walrus. Have students make predictions.Explain to students that seals' rear flippers extend backward; sea lions' rear flippers extend forward. Ask students to predict which of these marine mammals could move most easily on land (sea lions). They return to land to give birth and nurse their young. The smallest is the ringed seal, with an average length of 5 feet (1.5 m) and a weight of 110 to 150 lbs. The word 'pinniped' means 'fin foot', as the four legs of seals, sea-lions and walrus have developed into flippers to better suit their life in the water. Seals and sea lions have many similarities, and are in the same family of Pinnipeds, but they lead very different lives. Seals swim using the sculling movement of their hind flippers. Sea lions are also known as fur seals and seals with ears are known as true seals. Besides, when swimming, the seal mainly uses the hind flippers as thrusters; the sea lion swims with its front fins, with hind flippers acting as rudders. © 1996 - 2020 National Geographic Society. Manner of Swimming. Sea lions and fur seals have external ears that protrude from their heads. 1. Seals and sea lions are members of the pinniped family and the Oregon Coast is home to Harbor Seals, Steller Sea Lions, California Sea Lions and Northern Elephant Seals, some of which can be seen year-round. Steller males are massive, the largest of the eared seals, weighing in at 1,200 lbs (0.5 metric ton) or greater. Tell them they can confirm or revise their predictions as they watch a video.5. Discuss how this movement relates to the animals' vulnerability to predators like polar bears and sharks. Despite the similarities of outward appearance, true seals and sea lions have some noticeable differences, due to convergent evolution. Seals and sea lions share adaptations for living in the sea—including blubber, flippers, and streamlined bodies. Difference Between Seal and Sea Lion Classification. Both types of seals, sea lions and walruses are all considered to be in the suborder Pinnipedia, which is usually translated as \"fin-footed\" or \"feather-footed.\" Pinnipeds (within the order Carnivora) consist of three families. If you can tell the sea lions apart, you’ve reached expert level in seal identification. The Phocidae, or family group to which the true seals belong, are believed to have descended from a terrestrial weasel-like ancestor, while the Otariidae, or sea lion family group, are thought to have descended from a terrestrial bear-like ancestor. (3,855.5 kilograms). Steller Sea Lions. Find out Seals and sea lions Answers. Seals are smaller than sea lions; male Stellar sea lions can grow to be up to 2,200 pounds. These animals may be seen hauled out on off shore rocks, and occasionally on sandy beaches. When comparing a sea lion vs. seal you can spot the difference a few ways, one of which is the lack or presence of an ear. This causes differences between the two in locomotion when on land: seals move forward by caterpillar-like hitching movements; sea lions use their hind legs to walk or even gallop across land. The breakdown of these families looks something like this: Seals vs Sea Lions. Males are massive, weighing up to 8,500 lbs. Gray seals clock in at about 14-23 mph. All rights reserved. Kristen Dell, National Geographic Society, Sheryl Hasegawa, National Geographic Society As per the classification of Pinnipeds, there are two types of seals: fur seals and true seals. Fur seals and sea lions are also known as eared seals. There may be a small breeding colony of Stellers using near shore rocks in RNSP. You cannot download interactives. “Seals” is actually a generalized name for all pinnipeds. First, check for ears. Have students use the National Geographic Animals site to research what California sea lions eat, where they find food, and how they eat it. Show them the photo gallery of harbor seals, leopard seals, and California sea lions.2. There are 18 species of true seals, according to Seals World. (Hair, blubber, and flippers all keep animals warm in icy water.)3. Seals belong to family Phocidae. They are uniformly dark brown and vocalize with the notable sea lion "bark". Usually there's only one subadult animal at a time hauled out on a sandy beach undergoing its annual molt. National Geographic Headquarters Have students write a paragraph summarizing the information they find. Seals vs. Sea Lions. Although they feed in the sea, they surface for air. (Possible answers: Seals do not have ear openings; sea lions do. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Seals were tagged as earless since they do not have ear flaps. There are many places along Oregon's 363-mile coastline where you can see seals or sea lions in their natural setting and some can be seen in developed harbor areas as well. When sea lions swim, they propel themselves through the water using their front flippers. Firstly, seals and sea lions have completely different ears. She or he will best know the preferred format. Phocidae species can be called earless seals. Harbor seals are quite common and may be seen lounging on flat-topped near shore rocks, or hauled out sandy beaches, primarily around the Redwood Creek estuary. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Seals, sea lions, and walruses are all in the order Carnivora and suborder Pinnipedia, thus they are called “pinnipeds.” Pinnipeds are mammals that are well-adapted for swimming. Sea-lions can also be seen on the way out to Bremer Canyon, where Orcas area also prevelant. Sea lions can reach speeds of 25-30 mph! There are other, somewhat subtle, differences between the front flippers of the two groups, but the hind flipper differences are noticeable. The sea lion has a visual external pinnae that looks more like a tiny dog ear. Students use observation skills to determine taxonomic differences between seals and sea lions. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Seals and sea lions are both mammals. Have students compare the two drawings and list at least two features that seals and sea lions share. Movement on Land If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. As horrible as it is, but one really easy way to tell them apart comes to us courtesy of the Discovery Channel. Sea lions’ flippers have no hair or claws so that they can more easily grip the surface of rocks, and many of their mating areas are on rocky terrain. It has many crosswords divided into different worlds and groups. Unlike other sea-lions, the species only breeds every 17-18 months, with Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island supporting the third largest colony of Australian Sea-lions with a population of around 1,000. (50 t… In and around Redwood National and State Parks, the most commonly seen eared seal is the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). This lists the logos of programs or partners of, National Geographic Animals: California Sea Lion, explain why scientists classify animals into different groups, identify the similarities and differences between seals and sea lions, describe how the similarities help the animals to swim in cold water, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers. Seals and sea lions are actually called fin-footed animals or pinnipedia. Seals and sea lions share adaptations for living in the sea—including blubber, flippers, and streamlined bodies. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. When seals and sea lions share our shores, we need to give them space, especially mothers with pups. Seals also are suited to spend more time in the water than sea lions, which can "walk" on shore with their large flippers and spend time in large social groups. The California Sea Lion as pictured […] Terms of Service |  What Are the Differences Between Seals and Sea Lions? Many people confuse seals and sea lions as they share many similarities. In seals, the hind flippers extend directly behind the body, and are not capable of rotation unlike the hind flippers of sea lions that are longer and may be rotated toward the front of the body. Video by NOAA Fisheries. But seals and sea lions belong to different families. They are warm-blooded marine mammals that could live both in water and on land. These two amazing creatures are larger than grizzly bears and are some of the top marine predators. Privacy Notice |  Jan 31, 2012 - Explore Nancy Reilly's board "Seals And Sea Lions ", followed by 587 people on Pinterest. Sea lions can only dive as deep as 450m, but dives further than 200 are uncommon, and they can’t store as much oxygen in their lungs as seals can. Program. Females are much smaller, but still weigh more than a car at 2,000 lbs. Seals are marine mammals called pinnipeds of the family of phocids, very adapted to aquatic life, although they can also live brief periods on land. Seals and sea lions are mostly fish-eaters, although most of the species also eat squid, mollusks, crustaceans, marine worms, sea birds, and other seals. Dr. Mike Heithaus and others try to tranquillize a lion. In and around RNSP, there are two seal species to be found, the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirotris). Taxonomy enables scientists to make sense of the millions of kinds of living things and see how they are related. The sea lion's hind flippers are stronger and more flexible. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. How can sea lions and fur seals be told apart from these true seals? Seals and sea lions are both mammals. Some of the worlds are: Planet Earth, Under The Sea, Inventions, Seasons, Circus, Transports and ...Continue reading ‘Seals and sea lions’ » At first glance, they may look fairly similar. This lists the logos of programs or partners of NG Education which have provided or contributed the content on this page. Pinnipeds divide their time between near shore terrestrial habitats and the ocean. True seals are also known as earless seals, or simply "seals". Pinnipeds are further distributed into the Odobenidae family, which is the walrus; the Otariidae family, which includes eared seals, sea lions, and fur seals; and the Phocidae family, which is the earless seals. Of marine parks and circuses lower body side-to-side in a sculling motion usually 's. Instead have ear openings ; sea lions swim have students identify similarities.Give each a. No external ear seals vs sea lions but instead have ear openings ; sea lions grow... 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