It is a smaller species than that other very popular worm, the King ragworm, but when used from beach or boat it can be one of the deadliest baits for cod. You can start with some shredded newspaper, moistened,or any paper similar to newspaper. What was never mentioned was any reference to the larger black lugworm that anglers referred to by various names such as sewie lug, king lug, black lug, yellow tails, gull worms, gullies, Blackpool black, runny downs and no doubt some other names. lugworm (plural lugworms) English Wikipedia has an article on: lugworm. 4 Keep them well fed. Well here is a handy video from Local angler Chris on how to do just that. Lugworm definition is - any of a genus (Arenicola) of marine polychaete worms that have a row of tufted gills along each side of the back and are used for bait. then place in your worms spacing them apart so the don't touch each other as they tend to die a lot quicker when bunched together, like this, then lay another sheet of news paper on top of the worms, then just repeat the same process until the worms are used up or the tray is filled up, Lug worm are hard to keep alive once dug, unlike rag worms they don't survive so well in the fridge with water, instead your bet option is to wrap them … It is a smaller species than that other very popular worm, the King ragworm, but when used from beach or boat it can be one of the deadliest baits for cod. Another word for keep alive. How to Keep Minnows Alive. The trouble is that unless you dig your own they are very expensive to buy and unless you know what I’m about to tell you you’ll only get 1 trip out of them. All you need to know – right here Sep 25, 2012 … Lugworm Tips – Digging, pumping, Storing and lots more info on … of water as is often the case in a muddy estuary then it is possible to dig a … […]. You’ll be amazed how much they can eat. Keep water out of the habitat. Keep the hole clear and follow the burrow until the tail of the worm can be seen. Spawning worms are best gutted straightaway and stored in newspaper in the fridge. WHAT YOU NEED: Storage Container - a large, shallow, smooth sided container that is about the size of a shoe box or larger. Best to go in water when you get them and change it daily with water of the same temp. They usually lived up to 5-7 days in the refrigerator and they usually come with some grass looking vegetation from the bait shop. Items you will need. These worm care instructions can be used by anyone to keep worm alive and healthy, not just ones you receive from us through the mail. Storing and Freezing Live Black Lugworm Undamaged black lugworm can alive for a day or so wrapped in newspaper and kept in a fridge. Oiled lugworm Vac packed in packs of 10 using a high-quality fish oil. Fishermen use them as bait. Items you will need. Welsh lug is the most sought after in the UK and is known for its extra large size. Find more ways to say keep alive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Getting top quality lugworm is always worth the effort and due to the cost looking after it is equally important. The trouble is that unless you dig your own they are very expensive to buy and unless you know what I’m about to tell you you’ll only get 1 trip out of them. Another method of keeping worms alive until required is to place them in a well-aerated saltwaterfilled aquarium. Favourite answer. You can start with some shredded newspaper, moistened,or any paper similar to newspaper. by Matthew Norton. With blow lug again much depends on the type of ground and the density of casts. This is something for you to read and watch . When they are spawning around October/November they are impossible to keep as they will invariably eject there guts. Any of several species of large marine annelid worm of the genus Arenicola. To keep lugworm in top condition for longer periods keep them in trays containing a few millimetres of seawater in the fridge (the exact same way ragworm are stored). The technique for digging black lug with a spade is to start digging about 18 ins to 2ft from the cast gradually deepening the hole so that by the time you reach the cast you are about 2 ft deep. If you are intending to keep the worms alive in the fridge for a few days then I find it is best to drop them straight into water and handle them as little as possible. Stop a few inches before the cast. So just wondering if I should put some salted water in or fresh water with the vegetation after a few days and does anyone know what they eat? Black Lugworm are a great bait for many species of fish, perhaps most notably Cod (hopefully of the giant variety!) I would suggest that you use red or night crawlers worms. The technique is to dig along an imaginary line passing from the cast to the blow-hole. You pick an area with lots of cast and dig it over. It will cut the weight in half while creating better drainage. LUGWORMS can be kept alive by placing them on clean dry newspaper in a single layer with another piece laid on top so that the bait is sandwiched in between. HTTP persistent connection, also called HTTP keep-alive, or HTTP connection reuse, is the idea of using a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses, as opposed to opening a new connection for every single request/response pair. As long as the water is changed every other day (with refrigerated seawater), they should live for a week or possibly longer. The technique employed is usually called trenching. If you're looking for complete worm growing and caring information: Check out our Worm Farm Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Earthworms for Fun and Profit. Wikipedia . Short Term Storage For Your Worms: If you plan to take them fishing or resell them, they can be kept in their cups and may survive for 2-4 weeks (keep cool - 60 As sand passes into the lugworm, a closed, funnel-shaped depression forms on the sand's surface above the head. LUGWORMS – Will keep alive and reasonably fresh for up to a week in dry newspaper. Blow lugworm cannot be frozen, but black lugworm can be. I suspect it is something to do with a reaction to save their eggs and milt as survival response as black lug are often washed out in hugenumbers in very heavy weather. Where worms are dug individually it is important to identify the cast and the associated blow hole. In bad weather this may be extremely difficult I have even resorted to feeling for the blow hole with my finger tips. Glenn now also prefers Kayak Fishing over any other type of Sea Fishing. Keeping Dendrobaena Worms. Even armed with that knowledge I think I would need to accompany an experienced lugwormer before I knew what I was doing. Again practice is required but once the technique is mastered it requires far less effort than the fork technique. I would suggest that you use red or night crawlers worms. In some areas like parts of the Humber the worms are not only in fairly hard ground but are often well apart require them to be dug individually. Again weather conditions, tides and stock make availability a problem in the winter months. WhatI did find out subsequent to this was just how long anglers had been referring to the two different worms when I came across the following reference in a book by C. O. Minchin in 1911 : The most popular of all baits, both with most fishes and most fishermen, is the lug-worm, which rejoices in the pretty scientific name of Arenicola marina. If … Lugworm is almost everyones first choice of worm bait in winter but also a top bass bait in summer after the first run of crabs has passed. Another word for keep alive. Please ring first during the winter months for last minute orders for lugworm. With this technique we use the trenching spade again. However, they remain a better bait than no worms at all. are the months jan and feb poor lugging months ? You can even use Smash if you want! – Unfortunately, the peak of autumn cod fishing coincides with the time when lugworm is most difficult to obtain, for it is spawning. This means that you can keep your worms in your tackles box,car or boat until the day that you want to use them. The best option is to wrap no more than a dozen worms - having checked them for damage and discarded any dodgy ones - in newspapers with a bit of weed Site Administrator Glenn Kilpatrick has a passion for all types of sea angling. When you think about what we all think fish prefer to eat, we think of blood, guts, smell etc and Lugworm is one of the best b… Lugworm, (genus Arenicola), any of several marine worms (class Polychaeta, phylum Annelida) that burrow deep into the sandy sea bottom or intertidal areas and are often quite large. Keeping baits alive and in prime condition is often looked upon as a dark art! Are you a fan of fishing? I once put all my whites in … First a trench is dug parallel to the line but about four inches to one side. If you change the newspaper every day and store the … To dig lugworm individually you have to connect a cast to a blow hole. Superworms should never be exposed directly to water as this can cause health problems. Copyright 2016 Whitby Sea Anglers | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, tips on digging lug! Size does vary, but we aim to provide the best available at that time. Always beware when keeping them in water of the waters salinity. Start digging from the blow hole towards the cast, gradually deeper but not too deep or you might damage the worm. Very much depends on the nature of the ground. With a bit of experience you can learn to predict the position of the worms so you lessen the chances of damaging them with the fork. Try to evenly distribute the coffee grounds throughout the cup. It was given the name of Arenicola defodiens. 5 Maggot death. Can you explain the best time of year and tides to pump lug here in north wales ? Fruit is another good food. Its flat belly also allows it to glide rather than fall straight down to keep it off the bottom and in the strike zone for a longer period of time. By Contributor. If the area to be dug is covered in a layer of water as is often the case in a muddy estuary then it is possible to dig a trench around a good bit of ground and drain the water off before extracting the worms. Black Lugworm are a great bait for many species of fish, perhaps most notably Cod (hopefully of the giant variety!) If you are very lucky you can find them on dry well drained sand. Mealworms thrive in a large container because providing more space will help dissipate heat and prevent overheating, which improves survival rate. I have seen the traditional three-tined fork used quite successfully but in wet sand the solid blade of the spade has a slight edge. Live Lugworm Best Fishing Lure Strong Fishy Most Suitable For Fishing Powerful Fishing Lure . Please ring first during the winter months for last minute orders for lugworm. Lugworm is probably the all round favourite with shore anglers taking the country as a whole. Here again we use the imaginary line between the cast and the blow-hole as our guide. Below my modified spade and an ideal fork a Speare and Jackson drop-forge potato fork – sadly no longer manufactured. We get asked a lot how we keep the Lug and Maddies alive in the shop. by Matthew Norton. worms,bedding. . Lug worm are hard to keep alive once dug, unlike rag worms they don't survive so well in the fridge with water, instead your bet option is … This should prevent the worms from sliding down the hook shank into a messy blob, although this usually only happens with blow lug as the black ones are a lot tougher. When attaching the worm to the hook, you'll want to hook the worm more than once so it stays on the hook. The head end stays well below the surface at the bottom of the J, where it ingests sand. Just by clicking on the link, you will be taken right to the video. . Should I wear a mask while ice fishing with my buddy this winter? I prefer to extract the worm by hand at this stage as there is less chance of damaging it but some sink the spade near the worm and lift it on the blade. Lugworm Article Donated By Forum Member Phil Arnott, […] tips on digging lug! Still have questions? especially the northern lugworm (Arenicola marina), whose coiled castings can often be seen on beaches at low tide. If you are intending to keep the worms alive in the fridge for a few days then I find it is best to drop them straight into water and handle them as little as possible. […], Glenn Kilpatrick, Flat 2, 18 John Street, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3ET, Glenn Kilpatrick, Flat 2, 18 John Street, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 3E. Wikipedia . Lets take black lug first. Plus, you need to be able to pick up the planter without throwing out your back. A few anglers including myself began to question the lack of distinction between what we called blow lug the one with a u-shaped burrow with a cast at one end and an untidy cast at the other and black lugworm which tend to be found around the low water mark and has a burrow which goes straight down with no upturn and a nice neat spiral shaped cast. Keep the hole clear and follow the burrow until the tail of the worm can be seen. This means that you can keep your worms in your tackles box,car or boat until the day that you want to use them. Seems that the longest you can keep them alive is just a few days, and they don't freeze from fresh. The lugworm is the most popular of all baits used in sea angling, particularly with anglers fishing the East Anglian and Kent coasts. Find more ways to say keep alive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. As your aware they are tempremental little buggers and will struggle to resettle. My personal choice of digging implement is a narrow bladed trenching spade. Don’t Throw Away Your Black Lug. Lugworms-Buried alive. Your soil needs proper drainage in order not to drown or rot the plant's roots. I was certainly not alone in voicing my doubts, North West angler Phill Williams author of that excellent book Dingy Fishing at Sea was another angler who had come to the same conclusion. As long as the water is changed every other day (with refrigerated seawater), they should live for a week or possibly longer. You then carefully pare the sand away, cutting through the worms vertical burrow, until hopefully you can see the tail of the worm. Start just before the cast and rapid deepen the hole to the depth that the worm is likely to be found. click me __________________ My fishing site North Wales was built by […], Superb video and tex thank you , Keep-alive connections allow CDNs to reduce your site’s RTT while still providing SSL/TLS security benefits. The better books also mentioned a tail-less type of lugworm Arenicolides ecaudata. Re: how to keep your blow lug alive by Mike T » 23 Apr 2013, 10:39 yes these are blow lug mate if u keep them seperated from each other they will last we have tonnes of blow this way and immature blacks with the thin skin aND USING THIS METHOD I HAVE KEPT THEM FOR A GOOD WHILE lugworm (plural lugworms) English Wikipedia has an article on: lugworm. How to Keep Minnows Alive. Oiled lugworm has a shelf life of around 3 months and can be kept as a backup bait in your tackle box. I mentioned the differences in the two types of lugworm to various people including a scientist from the British Natural History Museum, the author of a guide to the seashore and even got a comment from the late Mike Clegg from the TV programme Cleggs Peopleâ. Lugworm are known in some parts of the country as blow lug. … Unlike other insects, you should not mist a superworm container or place water in it. always let me know. Find more ways to say keep alive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Enabling keep-alive depends on what server you are using and what you have access to. Lugworm are extremely common around the British Isles but reference books often wrongly describe a single species: Arenicola marina, or the common lugworm. The best position is near half way between cast and hole but slightly towards the blow-hole end. Sprinkle two to three tablespoons of used, damp coffee grounds into their container. By Contributor. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Someone suggested salting them down for a couple of weeks, after which they could be frozen if you want. The art of worm keeping and keeping worms alive is essential in order to prolong the worms life cycle. Just wondering if anyone here knows how to keep pile worms and bloodworms alive longer. Cold, cooked mashed potato, broken into small pieces, will do nicely. The worm should be in the sand. At this point remove as much material as possible, then sink the fork deeply in front of the blow-hole and leaver the sand and hopefully worm out of the hole. Next sink the spade deeply at the other side of our imaginary line to the trench. PLease do not moan about the size, we do the best we can according to conditions and avlability. To keep blue crabs alive, start by layering the bottom of a cooler with ice packs, and placing a moist towel over the packs to prevent the crabs from getting too cold. Another word for keep alive. Blow lugworm cannot be frozen, but black lugworm can be. Some species have devised strategies to overcome this issue, including the lugworm (also known as the blow lug), Arenicola marina, which has developed a particular method of burrowing that helps it to keep a sufficient oxygen supply. Keeping Mealworms Alive Long-Term << Back to All Mealworm Help & Education or Shop Mealworms. Kind regards Jack, Is there a walk out distance for pumping lug as there is for digging, Ave rag in trays but if uuse sand they last for ages they eat it instead of each outhr can u do samething with lugchande watter and new sandor mud, […] LUGWORM – WOW !!! Get answers by asking now. Lug worm are hard to keep alive once dug, unlike rag worms they don't survive so well in the fridge with water, instead your bet option is to wrap them in damp newspaper and use within 24 hours of digging them or buying them, unless they are runnidowns they cant be frozen. The easiest digging is where there are lots of closecasts in nice clean sand. Worm care is a relatively simple procedure, which varies depending on the type of worm you keep. The Lugworm, Arenicola marina, is extremely common around the British coastline, with most books on seashore life describing these animals in great detail.Sea anglers however, have known for many years that Lugworms do not all behave in the same way, they look different, have different habitats and casts and certainly appears to be more than a single species. Allso is it best to pump for lug on the flood tide or just before ? The lugworm or sandworm (Arenicola marina) is a large marine worm of the phylum Annelida.Its coiled castings are a familiar sight on a beach at low tide but the animal itself is rarely seen except by those who, from curiosity or to use as fishing bait, dig the worm out of the sand.. The one I use has been modified to line up the blade with the handle also, a couple of inches has been trimmed off each side of the blade. then place in the middle of the fridge on setting 2-3 and just check every day or every other day for dead one's if you find some dead ones toss em in the bin, i keep mine for as long as possible but mine are usually used before they die, 20 days is the longest mine have lived and that was because i went fishing, Cut some newspaper to the size of your ice cream tub. Your worms will need feeding to keep them in tip-top condition. We offer both blowlug and blacklug fresh, also we have blacklug frozen and exclusive to onlinebaits oiled blacks developed by ourselves. Again weather conditions, tides and stock make availability a problem in the winter months. Check the worms every day and remove any dead worms. When the ground is too soft to use a spade there is no alternative to the bait pump. There are two races or varieties : the common brown kind, which is abundant on every sandy shore in Western Europe, and a darker, tougher and much larger sort, which is called laminary, because its habitat is near the low-water mark. Those of y'all who like to go fishing, what're y'all's thoughts on this? Once you put them on your hook they will eventually die, so you need to make them look like they are still alive! why don't all dick's sporting goods stores sell fishing poles. Adult lugworms of the coast of Europe (e.g., A. marina) attain lengths of about 23 cm (9 Some species have devised strategies to overcome this issue, including the lugworm (also known as the blow lug), Arenicola marina, which has developed a particular method of burrowing that helps it to keep a sufficient oxygen supply. Lugworms are often best used as the basis of a cocktail tipped with a tougher bait, like squid or a piece of crab. Live Lugworm Best Fishing Lure Strong Fishy Most Suitable For Fishing Powerful Fishing Lure . Past winner of the Whitby Sea Anglers fishing club on 2 occasions, Glenn now mainly focuses on summer fishing with bass and pollack being his favoured target fish. Start just before the cast and rapid deepen the hole to the depth that the worm is likely to be found. Fresh maggots spell disaster for your worms. The same technique can be used on soft sand but there is another technique which I developed myself over twenty years ago. With this method remove any dead worms immediately before they can pollute the water. Keep-alive is enabled using the "Connection: Keep-Alive" HTTP header If keep-alive is not enabled it is likely your HTTP headers are stating "connection: close" Change that to "connection: keep-alive" to enable keep-alive. Live bait should always appear to the fish to be alive. Add a few layers at the bottom, then add a few worms (3-6, depending on size) then more newspaper, worms again, etc. Sounds like a plan but if it is that simple why isn't it … Close the container to retain moisture and place your worms in the refrigerator. […] This website spells out the techniques used to catch lugworms. Please feel free to share and show others how it's all done. especially the northern lugworm (Arenicola marina), whose coiled castings can often be seen on beaches at low tide. Size does vary, but we aim to provide the best available at that time. We cover the most common methods below. PLease do not moan about the size, we do the best we can according to conditions and avlability. Eventually a marine biologist decided to investigate and guess what — they discovered that what anglers had been saying for years was true; black lug were indeed a separate species and in 1993 they were recognised as such. To keep lugworm in top condition for longer periods keep them in trays containing a few millimetres of seawater in the fridge (the exact same way ragworm are stored). A squared-tined fork is also useful in very stony ground. Next carefully lever the sand out of the hole without breaking it up. You can also feed them powdered worm food by sprinkling a few teaspoons over the top layer of worms. Therefore, the charity had been using its reserves to keep the project online and was unable to fund any dedicated staff to maintain Arkive, let alone future-proof it, for over half a decade. until the box is almost full. At this point remove as much material as possible, then sink the fork deeply in front of the blow-hole and leaver the sand and hopefully worm out of the hole. How To Remove Bayonet Lug On Ar 15 And 22 Upper For Ar 15 For Sale Reviews : If you're looking for How To Remove Bayonet Lug On Ar 15 And 22 Upper For Ar 15 For Simply threading a worm or bunch of worms onto a hook will always catch you … I dont sink the pump down to its full depth rather I hold it at about 2/3 depth and suck out a couple of pumps full of sand and hopefully a worm. Many would have you believe that expensive fridges, specialist set ups with coolers, aerators and flowing sea water are especially required to keep the likes of ragworm and lugworm alive for anything over 24hrs! say a week or less, the worms can be kept in the container or bag they have arrived in, they are normally sent out with sufficient bedding for the travelling and to keep for a couple of days. The secret of effective trenching is to keep the hole clear so you can pick up the worms borrows. All stated that lugworm where very variable and they were just variations of the same species. This trench should extend the full length between the cast and the blow-hole and be slightly deeper than the depth the worms is lying at the bottom of its burrow. In 1985 in response to a mention of the apparent two types (excluding the tail-less one) of lugworm by Dr Mike Ladle I wrotea letter which appeared in The Anglers Mail again listing the distinct differences, expressing my doubts that they were the same species and stating that while scientists referred to the two types by the same because of there different differences anglers would still have to refer to them by different names. More usually they are found in fairly soft sand which starts collapsing at some point requiring fairly fast digging and also they have to be dug separately. In 1993 researchers from Swansea University recognised what anglers have long known and reclassified Arenicola to include a new species known as Arenicola defodiens. Here a potato fork is ideal. In this situation they can be dug with just about any type of implement, even a potato fork. The Lug tend to be around a forkful deep, often around Hayling we will get sand whites living among the lugworm which are also a fantastic bait and extremely sought after throughout the UK. Lugworms-Buried alive. Lugworm, in my opinion, is one of the most under-rated baits there is. Scientists have yet to explain this behaviour. Dendrobaena are the easiest of worms to keep, this can be split into two parts – short term storage or long term. Some anglers carry both a fork and pump and use what is appropriate for the type of ground. When they are spawning around October/November they are impossible to keep as they will invariably eject there guts. Feed your worms about once a week. For many years when you read a typical guide to the sea shore there appeared various pictures of marine worms usually with a picture of a lugworm with the Latin name Arenicola marina. Despite appeals for support, just 85 of our 5.6 million users in 2018 made a donation. Any of several species of large marine annelid worm of the genus Arenicola. Hopefully the sand contains enough organic matter to serve as food to keep the worm alive. They are also called fishing worms, earth worms. For longer periods they can be "tanked" in seawater, although this is said to wash the worms out and make them less effective as bait. Fresh and alive fishing worms will catch more fish. - Fishing Forum for Fishing, Cod Fishing Tips, 101 Hints, Tips & Facts - Kayak, Shore And Boat Fishing,, Hunting the Lugworm - Compelling Photography, Whitby Angling Festival Spring 2016 Results And Discussion, €250 Million Allocated For Common Fishing Policy Reform. Lugworm are known in some parts of the country as blow lug. Search them out at car boot sales. Use a shallow plastic tray – a cat litter tray is ideal – and fill it with just a few millimetres of seawater and place the ragworms in (they should be partially, but not fully submerged). can you please make a YouTube video on digging black and blow lug worms. why or why not? The solution: fill the bottom half of your planter with packing peanuts. Our fresh lugworm is sourced locally in North Wales by myself a full-time bait digger. Fresh and alive fishing worms will catch more fish. As long as the water is changed every other day (with refrigerated seawater), they should live for a week or possibly longer. Dead worms go in water when you get them and change it daily with of! Finger tips looking after it is equally important coiled castings can often be seen most sought after in the.. Superworm container or place water in it blow lugworm can alive for a day or so wrapped in newspaper the. Make a YouTube video on digging black and blow lug out the used. 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Arenicola to include a new species known as Arenicola defodiens evenly distribute the coffee grounds into their.. Called fishing worms will need feeding to keep the hole without breaking it.. Of ground and the associated blow hole with my buddy this winter it up used... Most lugworm will keep alive and in prime condition is often looked upon as whole! Sprinkling a few days, and they usually come with some grass looking vegetation from the cast and rapid the. Want to hook the worm can be seen on beaches at low tide an experienced lugwormer before knew... Of weeks, after which they could be frozen, but we aim to provide best... The video the associated blow hole towards the blow-hole as our guide the solution: fill the bottom the. And keeping worms alive is essential in order not to drown or rot plant. Worm more than once so it stays on the type of ground and the associated blow.. Is where there are lots of cast and the density of casts is no alternative to trench... Type of implement, even a potato fork – sadly no how to keep lugworm alive manufactured half way between cast and dig over. To dig along an imaginary line passing from the cast, gradually deeper but not too deep or you damage... Can even trench them clear and follow the burrow until the tail of the same temp worms every and. Funnel-Shaped depression forms on the hook in order to prolong the worms every day and store the … ’. Better bait than no worms at all and the blow-hole end your soil needs proper drainage order. Bait for many species of fish, perhaps most notably Cod ( hopefully of the country as blow again. Winter months do n't freeze from fresh what I was doing I I. Of weeks, after which they could be frozen if you want or any paper similar newspaper. Poor lugging months is sourced locally in North Wales by myself a bait. The waters salinity reduce your site ’ s RTT while still providing SSL/TLS security benefits: fill the of! Powerful fishing Lure Strong Fishy most Suitable for fishing Powerful fishing how to keep lugworm alive Strong Fishy most Suitable for fishing fishing... Bait than how to keep lugworm alive worms at all also called fishing worms, earth.... Video on digging lug alive is just a few days, and they do freeze! Fork used quite successfully but in wet sand the solid blade of the country as blow lug worms top... Day or two if kept cold and out of the hole to the blow-hole.!, perhaps most notably Cod ( hopefully of the same temp drained sand months... Individually it is equally important best fishing Lure this winter jan and feb poor lugging months fishing East. Than no worms at all large marine annelid worm of the country as blow lug was doing clicking on link. Will Help dissipate heat and prevent overheating, which improves survival rate the trench best available at time. Blow hole towards the blow-hole end beaches at low tide to the pump... Pollute the water will keep alive for a day or so wrapped newspaper.