Once you hit Feudal Age, I noticed (and you mentioned) you sent 2 villagers to wood, having a total of 10 if I'm not mistaken. More AoE II Guides: Cheat Codes.Chronological Order of Campaigns. Dark Age / Feudal Age Build Order 1-2 house then sheep.3 house then sheep - Only ever harvest 1 animal in the beginning or you will lose food due to rot! JavaScript is disabled. The Fast Castle into Boom, one of the best beginner build orders that can be recommended on closed maps where early aggression is fruitless. Remove ads? We hope that this guide will help you. 6 on sheep Hey Humza, great vid. This is an untapped market for people that haven't heard of or experimented with individual civ modifications to the "standard" or strategic experiments to the "standard.". By executing this strategy, you will dominate one of the best and well-known attacks in Age of Empires 2! Now that you have the background (hopefully not too confusing), here's the build ORDER for a Saracen scout rush: Villagers 1-6 sheep ; Villagers 7-9 mill, berries ; Villagers 10-11 straggler trees ; Villager 12 lure boar #1 ; Loom en route to boar ; Villagers 13-16 wood, build lumber camp when possible ; Lure boar #2 ; Villagers 17-19 sheep This Build Order should be strong enough to get all the upgrades in a decent time all the while keeping both Military and Vil production going. The first contains the 4 most important strategies for newer players: scouts, archers, FC knights + boom (FC - Unique Unit is also included here as it is relatively simple to execute). I've enjoyed watching them, keep up the good work! Age of Empires 2 Fast Castle build order. I've listed the scenarios in 2 groups. This will also help pile on the pressure in feudal age with smoother scout production. +1 - I always found these videos helpful for scout build: Age of Empires 2: Scout Flush Guide +1 - This is the one I use: 6 Sheep 4 Wood 1 Lure Boar 4 Berries (can add more if berries fwd) Add 2 Farms once you have the wood for them 1 Boar Rest of … The largest and most active community site for the game. Some examples for well-known build orders in the strategy game genre are the 1-3-1 in League of Legends, Six-Pool Rush in StarCraft, Riflestall in Company of Heroes, and the list goes on. Vils 7-9: Wood. While 32 extra HP might not seem like a big difference on a unit who already has 160, it allows them to survive five hits from a Halberdier instead of four. The build order given here (25+2) is the easiest and most recommended. Everyone has the "standard" build orders. If it is going on in Age of Empires, you’ll read about it here. But no worries! Then, they are often used for harassing enemy Villagers. This build order teaches you fast scout rush that is easily executed by even the very beginners! The Scout Rush Build Order. Strategy making is considered to be the most important part of Age of Empires.Read this strategy only when you have mastered the timing,the counters and other points mentioned in the previous post.There are as such many strategies that can be used in Age of Empires but I prefer to discuss the most important ones. 7 months, 3 weeks ago. However, Scout Cavalry are automatically upgraded upon researching the Feudal Age, gaining +2 attack, +2 Line of Sight, and +0.35 movement speed. This also includes the collection of Sheep and other herdables, and locating resources for mining gold and stone. The second contains more competitive versions of the scouts and archers builds, in addition to some more challenging builds. Another major opportunity would be their exceptionally cheap castles, which cost 25% less than regular castles. Send your next 3 villagers to mill the berries. Try to focus on denying him a single resource. Send your next villager to lure the boar. The Scrush (Scout Rush) By Zoinked. I think it's cool too that you're not a pro player, so I feel more confident that I could actually pull off the builds you're showing since I'm closer in skill to you than I am a pro player obviously. These type posts are really motivating for me when making a lot of these build order videos. Quick-glance summary of Scout Rush build order Once you've tested this strategy a couple of times with the full instructions, it can be handy to browse some more basic steps. Be careful while attacking, spearmen are a great unit against Scouts and you can lose some if you are not aware! 16th builds house and farm. The thing I like about your builds is that you include the time for walling and making houses (which has been rare, in my experience). 6 Villagers on sheep; 7th villager builds lumbercamp. The AK-47 strategy is a fast feudal rush, executed by the Mongol civs (cos of theirhunting bonus) and powered by man@arms supported by a tower rush (skirms are also welcome, but later when the econ is stabilized).. Even travel time to create the buildings is reduced since woodlines are usually in the back and I'll normally trek all the way to the front of my base to build the stable. Perfect Build Order for civilizations with strong scouts like Franks. For a last note, having 8 on wood is fine but I prefer not having all at the lc. Make 2 houses and queue villagers. Scouts cost some food, meaning that you will have to balance your economy and be aware to have enough to produce villagers and Scouts and the same time, also if you want to switch to a different unit. You will need 1 or 2 spears at all vulnerable spots. Using our build order, you will be able to pull off a fast castle time of 15 minutes with any civilization (regardless of economic bonuses) and immediately place two additional town centers. But in summary, it seems to surprise them every time, causes panic, gets early vill kills and the sneak tower always goes undetected. Honestly, thanks man. Last week I was able to go and make a build order video for 16 pop Khmer, but this week I wanted to iron out a classic Mongol build just to add to the list. First scout rush build. Terms of Service. Every civilization except the Huns starts in the same way– build an early house to avoid population cap, farm sheep and go for lumber. Not talking so much about Dark Age, more about some Feudal Age stuff I see in the video. Scout Rush is one of the best strategies for beginners, is a great way to attack early in the game and annoy your enemy with scouts in their entire base. 7, 8 , 9 and 10th villager chop wood. ... Tower Rush or Scout Rush, which counters Fast Castle unless you are really good at fast castling,defending and walling. Perfect to surprise your opponents and get an early lead with civilizations without good economy bonuses. For both you must remember to scout all your resources (wood, 8 sheep(4+2+2) , 2 boars , main gold pile (8 tiles) and 1 stone pile. And never let the town centre be idle, always keep making villagers. Remember to Sheep scout, to keep only two Sheep for processing, and what not. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. 15th lures second boar. Send your scout … Build 2 Houses. Archer Rush Build Order. (Order is kinda arbitrary) AoEZone. Their build can be found here. If your civilization is not the best at economy but you want to play Scouts, don't worry, this Build Order is optimized for those scenarios! Here is a general build order for you to follow Villagers: (remember it is villager number NOT population number as you have your original scout as well) 1-6 gather sheep under the town centre The build follows the classic tenants of any Mongol fast feudal - Lure your boar + deer early to get your faster uptime. Perfect to surprise your opponents and get an early lead. Another great point. Vils 1-6: Sheep. I know the audience for this stuff isn't huge, but I just want to be able to help out the people that struggled starting out like myself. Watch out for: Spearmen: Be careful while … If not, straggler. Feel free to test it and make a video on it if you feel it's worthwhile. For Castle Drop 28+2 is better. Build orders with a similar start are combined together to minimize the number of sheets. In the Dark Age, Scout Cavalry are primarily used as scouting units, as they do not have an attack powerful enough to be an effective battle unit. Their knights and related units receive a bonus 20% hitpoints, making them even tougher than they already are. The point of this attack is to hit the enemy as soon as you can, just like the rest of the flushes, but this one can be one or two minutes sooner than your enemy flush. Scout Rush is one of the best strategies for beginners, is a great way to attack early in the game and annoy your enemy with scouts in their entire base. It basically involves sending a small fleet of knights to your enemy's base before 20 minutes, and attacking his villagers. Build Orders & Tutorials. First three vills build 3 houses, have 2 vills build one, one vill builds 2 houses 6 vills onto sheep Next 4 vills on wood Send next vill to lure first boar Get loom when vill is going to lure boar Send next 2 vills to berries; make a mill on the berries Get second boar Send 2 vills to wood (total of 6) Send 1 vills to berries ont he way make house Guides » Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Scout Rush into Castle Age Knights Walkthrough. I'm the one in the comments section suggesting the 15 pop Mag build. Become a premium member...... How to test click speed of the computer mouse? Winter AOElympics: Registered Teams & Players. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Microsoft Corporation. I've been trying to deny gold/stone with it but I don't think that's that important in such an all in strat. Thanks goes to Druzhina AoE for the inspiration of this build. Learning the proper build orders and their execution is crucial if you want to win in most RTS games, and this applies to Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition as well. Farms are also much cheaper to start up, as the upgrades are free. Have to say your grasp of economy for creating a build order is rather good. 22 Pop Build Order I am now going to simplify this because it is somewhat based on the above build orders. This is a huge improvement imo, especially with building flexibility. You've also inspired me to start collating build orders and even to create my own for different civs on different maps. This is a quick guide on a simple fast castle Build Order. Age of Empires II are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. As for me since I started thinking about it again, I've tried it on 4 Arabia games and I'm 3 wins and 1 loss but the 1 loss was against a Cuman player with an amazing map and I couldn't do anything about him building the 2nd TC. It is a 21 or 22 population build that replies on two main resources: Wood and Food. A: Scout rush usually hits your base at 12:30 or 13 mins with 3 – 4 scouts. This hurts a lot. I generally like having 2 (or 3 even) vills chop straggler trees as not only does it lessen the lc crowding for a brief time, but also can be highly flexible in where you place your military buildings. This had my attention earlier but didn't have a chance to respond to it until now. The early build order for the drush: Two vils build one house, and the other builds another (For the Mayans, the fourth vil helps scout or chops wood) Queue up four vils at the TC (If mayans queue up three vils and then quickly hit the loom button - loom will get researched first and the vils will be made immediately after that) I … Civilizations like the Huns (no Houses … 11th lures boar (sheep villagers go to boar after its lured). Based on “Build Order Reference” by Cicero, and Hera’s video guides. You can play this on 1v1’s or Team Games! But I surprised him as well, killed 2 villagers (walling ones) right off the bat and it was going well for a while. Here’s a short list of video and written tutorials to help you improve your gameplay. The Tower Rush (or Trush) is a time-tested Age of Empires II strategy that is as annoying as it is effective. 17th builds second lumbercamp. Build Order Sheets. Lily. I just have to place it better. Yeah, i echo Josh's comments. By executing this strategy, you will dominate one of the best and well-known attacks in Age of Empires 2! This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Advance to Feudal Age with 20 population: As usual, build 2 houses and send your first 6 villagers to sheep. Easy to follow build order sheets. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 12th builds house and then a mill. Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition game guide focuses on a simple Build Order for a fast castle start for Dark Age and, Feudal Age. Scout Rush is one of the best strategies for beginners, is a great way to attack early in the game and annoy your enemy with scouts in their entire base Great videos man. I'm usually adverse to putting villagers onto stragglers early due to the ~3 tile distance from the TC, but if I'm sending 8 to wood then some of the vills are traveling 3 tiles anyways AND bumping everyone along the way. Introduction. all in one handy spot. But after the 2nd TC went up his eco lead just couldn't be stopped. Those 2 builds are completely different. This guide contains 11 build orders in 3 sheets. Similarly, Age of Empires II is also a real-time strategy game that has many build orders to follow for better resource management, for offense and defense. A scout rush is a very common, economic and standard build order in Age of Empires 2. This Build Order created by Jupe covers everything that you need! This allows them to build a powerful defense earlier than other civili… This strategy is extremely effective against booming opponents, and can certainly slow them down long enough for… Perfect Build Order for civilizations with strong scouts like Franks. For example I like to have: Gold Miners guarded by: 2 Spears; Lumberjacks guarded by: 1 Spear at 12 mins then 2 Spears at 13’ish mins ( Use your villagers to attack enemy scouts along with your spears) You must log in or register to reply here. You can play this on 1v1’s or Team Games! A simple BO for a fast castle start. This build order teaches you fast scout rush that is easily executed by even the very beginners! The Scout Rush is a standard and classic opening in Age of Empires 2, especially on Arabia. An Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (AOE2:TC) Tutorial in the ... expect a skirm rush or scout rush or MAA rush... have your scout look around to see if he's built archeries or stables or more than one rax. Now assign villagers as follows. I'm pretty brainwashed into the 10 on wood from normal scout rushing so delaying here makes sense in favor of berries. Last week I was able to go and make a build order video for 16 pop Khmer, but this week I wanted to iron out a, I just gotta say, these videos are fantastic. This is not ideal at this moment in time imo and should slow down your ability to attack but also the incoming food. The Knight Rush in AoE 2 is one of the most common and most effective early rushing strategies. Can I … You’ll find many tutorials online. Get your info, drama, recorded games, tournament info, etc. Build an LC with Vil 7 if you have found a suitable forest. This build order plays on the bonuses Japanese have. 12, 13 and 14 on berries. Bonus 20 % hitpoints, making them even tougher than they already are denying a... Easiest and most recommended on “ build Order in Age of Empires 2 brainwashed into the on... Any Mongol fast feudal - Lure your boar + deer early to get your info, drama recorded... The video active community site for the inspiration of this build Order for civilizations with strong scouts like.... 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