They bring more meaning to your life. Six reasons not to get a family pet Supercilious dogs, tortoises with icky illnesses, chickens that stink. While people who adopt an animal usually think they're changing its life for the better, pets have just as much of a positive impact on the lives of their owners. But as amazing as they are, it’s important to keep in mind that parrots are not for everyone. Companionship. The more time you spend with your pet, the happier you become. This can benefit your happiness and financial future. 6 Reasons Why Pets Are Good for Kids Reader's Digest Canada Updated: Aug. 06, 2019 Chris Hamer, co-author of Parenting with Pets and a mother and owner of horses, dogs, chickens and ducks, shares six ways having a pet can benefit kids. If you don’t have a cat yet, these 17 benefits have probably convinced you that it’s time to go visit an … Here are a few reasons why Gerbils as pets are pretty awesome. (Aust Social Monitor 2002; 4: 93-99). 10 Reasons You Need a Pet Companionship tops a long list of why having a pet is good for seniors' health and happiness. If you need some convincing about their greatness, then read on, with these 14 reasons why you should have a cat at home. Though they can be your best friend, they also require a great deal of time and attention. August 26th is National Dog Day and a great excuse for making a trip to your local pet adoption center, humane society, or shelter to bring home a furry friend. But putting aside ethics and human to animal relations there are more practical reasons to have pets in your life, especially if struggling with your mental health. It is believed that this is due to the fact that in this day and age, people are more inclined to do what they can to increase the lifespan of their beloved companions. They keep you active. You should only get a parrot if you can be fair to them and have ample time to dedicate to them each and every day. Fish make truly wonderful pets for people who don't have the time or physical space to devote to a higher-maintenance companion animal. 3. By Amina Lake Abdelrahman, Good Housekeeping Institute and … Pets can enhance your mood Whether you believe it or not, pets are a great way to improve your mood and temperament. You shouldn’t rule off this furry friend just yet! Reasons To Have Pet Insurance. (Not convinced? When you are barefoot. An Australian and German study found that people who own pets have fewer doctor visits. Living with pets will make you a happier human being. Posted on September 29, 2017 by Michael Moll Pet insurance is becoming increasingly popular. 9 Reasons Why Lizards Are Good Pets (+ Pics & Vids) If you are considering getting a lizard as your family pet, you may be curious about what the benefits are. Still not convinced about gerbils being the best pets? 2. 1. Being told these things could put you off the idea of keeping one as a pet. It’s because they make wonderful companions that they are a great addition to your home. Studies have shown that heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without. Animal-assisted therapy is often used as a treatment for depression. More and more people are putting collars (and dog-sized sweaters) on pigs. Well, before you make your decision about bringing pets into the family, discover the top ten reasons why having a pet is actually good for your children’s health and development. Well, here are 19 reasons which prove otherwise. And the more expensive they are, the more tasty, so it seems. 2. You want the best for your dog. The “AWW” Factor. Pets make you happy. You want to be able to take your pet to the vet at the first sign of a problem, not wait until things get really bad because you’re worried about the cost. Why do so many people keep pets? Saving you money and keeping you healthier. Tired of the same old, same old dogs, cats and parakeets being offered for adoption by your local animal shelter? Updated 12/10/19. You might not be able to afford a large, unexpected, expense. 1. Here is the list: 1. While others keep pets for companionship. Beyond the obvious reason for having a dog—that they're absolutely adorable—we're here to give you 10 more reasons why dogs are the best pets! If you have a little child in your home, you have to choose a pet cautiously. You will be amazed at how this ability can transfer into your daily life with other people.It is said that almost 90% of communication is nonverbal. Drool. I have seen how having an animal in your life can make things much better for all concerned. If the idea of slobbery kisses, a lifelong companion, or a personal cuddle buddy doesn’t win you over, here are a few more reasons why adopting a pet is the best decision you’ll ever make. A low-risk and low-intensity exercise, it can turn or keep your waistline slim as well as help you soak some vitamin D. Researchers at the University of Sydney found coronary heart disease could have been prevented among the nine percent of dog owners who currently have the condition, if they … A pet’s love never fails. Funny, loveable, and gorgeous creatures, what’s not to love? 2. Even pet owners have reservations about bringing their beloved pooch to the office with them on a daily basis. If your pet raccoon escapes the house, it may scare your neighbors, their pets and their children. Hamsters have so much energy to burn Hamsters climb for two great reasons: They’re so incredibly curious, they have to see and smell and hear everything, and will move towards you as often as they can. Let me tell you about my Teddy. 7 Reasons Why Birds Make Great Companions for the Right Home. Pets prevent you from being lonely. A furry friend can also keep you company through the stress or isolation of the coronavirus pandemic – this may be why pet adoption and fostering have … Please be open to considering some reasons why. 4. Generally speaking, fish are easier and less expensive to feed and care for than other pets; … It is human nature to find anything that is small and has fur to be cute and cuddly. There are over 350 different kinds of parrots ranging in different color from green to vibrant red, stately black and gray, with different sizes from small about 3 inches (appropriately 8 centimeters) to quite large from 40 inches (appropriately 100 centimeters). Underpants are like dog-Pringles. Research shows that children who grow up in homes with pets are likely to have a stronger immune system and less likely to develop childhood allergies and asthma. Random puddles of drool. As we celebrate National Pet Day, we bring you 14 reasons to love your pet. Reasons Why Gerbils Make The BEST Pets. In comparison to other pets, lizards are quite easy to look after. Let me explain. Fish are known to have a tranquil, calming effect on anyone who watches them glide serenely through the water. Some for their playfulness or other unique personalities and characteristics. Pets Teach Responsibility Children can start learning from a tender age what it is like to care for the needs of someone other than themselves, and this feeling is reinforced when that someone else happens to be meeker and weaker than them. Especially in older pets, euthanasia is often an option when faced with unanticipated vet visits or treatment recommendations, but with pet insurance it won’t have to be. ... 10 Reasons Fish Make Great Pets. Who doesn’t love that? Although hamsters do have some cons (like all pets!) People have pets for various reasons. Learn about The Spruce Pets' Editorial Process. If you're still on the fence about whether or not you should adopt a pet, here are 15 reasons why you need one in your life. We don't give these sweet pets enough credit. On the floor. 1. Here’s why: Not In The Pink Of Health. Dog walking is an excellent preventative measure against heart disease. A pet cannot speak, so you have to be able to read their cues and body language. Pets make us smile, laugh, we talk to them, share our feelings with them and often even confide in them. The reason's why we believe pet insurance is worth it: 1. Walking your pet. By Philip Moeller, Staff Writer Jan. 7, 2010. So there you have it – twenty reasons why parrots make awesome pets! Why are lizards good pets? Alyson Kalhagen. Or the reasons why others have done this. See 10 Reasons Dinosaurs Make Bad Pets.) It decreases allergies. 3. One of the most important reasons why you should adopt a pet is the fact that you are giving an innocent, pure creature the chance to have a beautiful life. 13 reasons to have pet insurance? So the next time you’re in the market for a pet, remember all these reasons why pigs are great pets! 1. Written by. If you think a family pet is a good idea, read this first. 20 Sweet Reasons Why Cats Are The Best Pet You Can Have. Gerbils are usually small with adorable big eyes and little hands. Having pets like cats can also reduce your cortisol levels, which can in turn lower your stress. It is believed that this is due to the fact that in this day and age, people are more inclined to do what they can to increase the lifespan of their beloved companions. Apart from that, there are many reasons to choose this cute, short-tailed animal as a pet. 1. Reasons To Have Pet Insurance. The reason's why we believe pet insurance is worth it: 1. Wholesale destruction personal property. We build special friendships for our furry friends and they are always there for us. Alyson Kalhagen. top reasons to have pets in 2021 Pets would assist your kids with creating tolerance as well as critical thinking; when a kid thinks about a creature’s perspective, they will, in general, change their conduct and such mental exercises regularly mean better correspondence with the individuals in a youngster’s life. Whether you've been thinking about adopting a new dog, or your kids have been on your case about taking a trip to the local shelter, here's a little something to convince you that a dog would make life a whole lot better. There’s a very good reason why cats are one of the most popular pets, not only in the U.S. but around the world. Well, dinosaurs also make wonderful pets, provided you treat them right and know what you're getting into. Easy to look after. Having a good grasp on it can help you have better relationships both in your personal and work life. My Top Ten Reasons Why It’s Stupid To Have Pets: 1. Some people keep pets because of their physical attractiveness. when it comes to keeping them, there are a lot of great reasons why they make good pets. Here are the top 10 reasons in favor of keeping a pet dinosaur. Research has shown that people who suffer from various diseases have … They’ve got a ridiculous amount of energy, and even with a running wheel in their cage, baby hamsters will still be clinging to the ceiling. Alyson is a freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience working professionally with birds, and over 3 years as a veterinary technician. 1. A photo posted by Sauerkraut (@thesauerkrautkitty) on Mar 28, 2016 at 11:32am PDT. 2. Numerous studies have shown that children who spend time with pets show higher levels of self-esteem than those without pets. Your Children Will Get a New Friend. You will be amazed to know that guinea pigs will help your children to learn life lessons like compassion and accountability for living things. Posted on September 29, 2017 by Michael Moll | 0 comments Pet insurance is becoming increasingly popular. Next to the top best pets to have, parrots are the most lively, playful and colorful pets. Yes, pets help lower blood pressure. Early diagnosis is critical.