Discovery truly changed her. > Phlox actor John Billingsley had mixed feelings about this episode. He is familiar when you see him on screen though you may not know his name. There may be little drive to explore, so there could be billions of Denobulans in the Federation doing perfectly fine and living happy, long … There are no Denobulans in the future, apparently. The Denobulans believed they were the only intelligent species in the galaxy until the B'Saari made first contact with them. The camera always cut away just before a Denobulan walked by. This incident thus came as quite a surprise to the Denobulans, many of whom took a while to accept the truth that they were not alone in the galaxy. Humanity likes exploring, but not all species may have the same drive to explore. The coalition that was forming against Terran Empire was comprised of Romulans, Tellarites, Klingons, Andorians and potentially Denobulans, Rigelians, and Coridanites. rev 2020.12.18.38240, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. (How) should we mark the 10th anniversary of SFF.SE? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Denobulans have only been featured in the franchise once (Phlox from Enterprise). The Mirror Universe is one of Star Trek's most intriguing concepts.The franchise has wisely used the Mirror Universe sparingly since it was introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series so that each appearance is an event. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Why was there no issue with the Tu-144 flying above land? I don’t know. (ENT: "Future Tense") Denobulans fought several wars against the Antaran species, the last of which occurred during the late … Jaw Drop: Hoshi's reaction to Phlox feeding a tribble to one of his creatures. How important are undergraduate and masters studies transcripts in applying for a faculty position? Some species may be fully content to remain at home. On a franchise-wide level, what happened to the Xindi, the Denobulans and the Suliban in the next three hundred years? Clearly Denobulans are well-respected and liked by humans, even at that early stage of Earth's entry into the galactic stage. The only two of note I can think of off the top of my head are Pel and Ishka (Moogie), both from DS9 . The Memory Alpha page for Federation members lists only about thirty-five Federation species seen on screen, which means there are at least one hundred fifteen Federation species we've never seen on screen either. Why DNS services Like google public DNS and Cloudflare has ipv6 versions? According to Captain Picard's dialog in Star Trek: First Contact, the Federation consists of over one hundred fifty member worlds. Not exactly cannon, but there were Denobulans in ST:EF II. They may have simply maintained a diplomatic relations with the Federation (or not) over the next few centuries, instead of becoming Federation members, making their lack of appearance in any of the other series even less surprising. I'm looking for in-universe answers only, not "because the writers hadn't invented them yet in TOS, TNG, VOY or DS9". They're there, just probably lost in the shuffle. Is there a canon reason why Klingon and Romulan vessels are so similar in shape? Denobulans are usually known for their long life-spans. Alt.History Denobula was destroyed and assimilated by the Borg shortly after the formation of the Federation. They rarely leave their planet for an extended period (with Phlox being kind of an odd one out, though the crew of Enterprise kind of became his family). I think Phlox mentioned that. With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Are there humanoid aliens that have fewer facial characteristics rather than more? . Yeah, but what about Andorians in Tellarites? When has hydrogen peroxide been used in rocketry? I have not watched enough ST: Enterprise to have heard what the relationship is. There have also been deleted scenes for completed projects. I think out of all the four seasons Enterprise had season 2 was the weakest. Is it legal to put someone’s mail in their mailbox? The Federation quickly drew in more races, with the Denobulans, Rigelians and Coridanites the first groups to follow suit. Is there any reason given in the lore for why the Denobulans don't appear after the UFP gets created? Is there a way to get ℔ (U+2114) without china2e in LuaLaTeX? Investigation shows the woman was a member of the xenophobic organization Terra Prime. We have to assume that they are in the background, there, but unnoticed. Or even a really big one like Germany? New Circuit Help Please - Feeding 2-gang receptacle boxes with MC 12/4. Help! Alt.History Denobula was destroyed and assimilated by the Borg shortly after the formation of the Federation. Yeah Arik Soong made them Cardassian and Phlox lived 200 years and had a kid named Dukat, and then was tortured and killed by an Obsidian Order agent named Garak. There's no canon evidence as to what happened to the Denobulans after Star Trek: Enterprise, but we can make a reasonable guess. How can I prove that a utility function does (or does not) satisfy diminishing MRS? Denobulan males have a line of hair down the middle of their chest, up to their throat. Did Beethoven "invent" ragtime with Piano Sonata No 32 Op 111? In fact, there's no canon evidence that the Denobulans ever even joined the Federation. Vulcans. > The containers carrying the Denobulans' rock samples were actually spacemaker pencil cases used by children for school. The slob Denobulans sounds like a chance to do a light episode that might be on par with TTWT. It was never discussed. Especially when other species—such as Vulcans, Cardassians, and Klingons—were culturally identical between universes; given how short a span of time had passed since Denobula was conquered by the Terrans, it seems implausible such a major cultural shift would have occured. Is there a way to print simple roots as Root objects? Physiology. The human doctors exchanged a glance, but the Denobulans shook their heads. Using Axiom of Replacement to construct the set of sets that are indexed by a set. The answer is poor planning and writing. Post War Era is a series of short blog posts published on the official Star Trek Online web page. he asked, his voice higher than usual. They appeared in TOS as well, then just never showed up again until ENT. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Announcing a Topic Challenge program for SFF.SE. They might have the same VA but the facts don't add up, Noye is from the 25th century while FG is from the 28th century, there's also the fact that they have different motivations FG wanted to ensure his own existence while Noye wanted to bring his wife and unborn child back into existence. It only takes a minute to sign up. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This is John talking now. Are Enterprise security personnel trained in combat? If we assume that means there are roughly one hundred fifty species in the Federation, it's not surprising that there are no mention of Denobulans in any of the later series. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Denobulans First appearance: Enterprise “Broken Bow” (2001) ... You know, looking back, I wouldn’t mind a novel or two explaining what happened to Crusher later in life. Denobulans prefer to live in close, tight-knit communities with their large families. A similar question (one which we all know the answer to) is, why are there absolutely no recognizable aliens in the JJverse apart from Klingons and Vulcans? Though it was a somewhat difficult process, the Denobulans were eventually forced to reevaluate their thinking. Pel hid the fact she was a female so she could work and earn profit and Ishka, Quark and Rom’s mother, ushered in a new era of women’s lib, workers rights, and environmental concern within the Ferengi government. While attending a conference on a proposed interplanetary alliance, Trip and T'Pol find out from a dying woman that they have a baby. In Star Trek: Enterprise, the good Doctor Phlox is a Denobulan. The first 3 seasons of ENT seem so far outside of Trek continuity. What if a spacecraft lands on my property? According to Captain Picard's dialog in Star Trek: First Contact, the Federation consists of over one hundred fifty member worlds. The Andorians have four different gender/types for a marriage. "Do you know what happened to her?" A collection of Denobulan traders and colonist were able to settle on a small moon but their warp capability and communications have degraded to the point that they are just hoping for a Federation ship to come near enough to register their low-level signals. Like many Denobulans, Klex had a cheerful and optimistic nature, and a large extended family with three wives and at least 12 children whom he kept in touch with but rarely saw. Denobulans also have a unique ability to enlarge their face. Or Sweden? By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "Lucy," he whispered, his voice cracking in his panic. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Low-level signals have been noticed by many passing ships and have been notated as being potentially Denobulan in origin but since it appears to be a pre-warp civilization, Star Fleet leaves them alone. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Does using the Wish spell to resurrect a creature killed by the Disintegrate spell (or similar) trigger the "stress" penalties of the Wish spell? The amount of time would have been sufficient for him to command another starship, but Picard has never mentioned another starship command beside the Stargazer and Enterprise. Like Denobulans, we don’t have a whole lot of experience with female Ferengi. I think any race they created in ENT we can say the same thing, why didn't they appear later? He is also a wonderful character actor who has been around for quite some time. This is an instinct for when they feel threatened. On Sept. 16, CBS announced they are pushing the upcoming chapter of the franchise, Star Trek: Discovery, from January to May 2017.While this is sad news for those of us who've been eagerly anticipating its arrival, it does afford all the non-Trekies of the world an opportunity to watch every episode from every series and movie now that they are all available on Netflix. I understand that they were probably a race created exclusively for ST:Ent, but there must be some in-universe reason for them no longer appearing later. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! My question is, why would such an empathetic, personable and intelligent species not be regularly encountered or even commonly serve on Federation starships later on? The "Temporal Cold War" was an awful idea. Denobulans only require 144 hours of sleep per year although some Denobulans, such as Doctor Phlox of … Directed by LeVar Burton. My Greatest Failure: Phlox taught his children not to succumb to prejudice, but it … I actually like the idea. The Denobulans (Dr. Phlox’s race) have a multi-person marriage setup. I think we were an inbred species and I guess we … Does Archer go on any more missions after his speech? They're founding members of the Federation. What happened to the Illyrians from whom Archer stole a warp coil in "Damage"? 1 "Token of Honor" 2 "Lukari Species" 3 "A Single Step" 4 "U.S.S. The Federaton wrote it off as 'a mystery' and everyone was kind of glad not to have to make small talk with … First, how many times a day does the nation of Croatia come up in casual conversation? Dr. Phlox looks too much like a Cardassian for there not to be a relationship between the species. What do I do? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. My PCs polymorphed my boss enemy! Morris laid a hand on Hardister's shoulder. Is It Appropriate For Me To Write About The Pandemic? Read the transcript of "Star Trek Discovery" S03E10 - Terra Firma: Part 2. I have not found an explanation on the official Star Trek sites. Memory Alpha touches lightly on the body of my own post: Background information > The style of backpack used by the Enterprise crew members in the caves was the Boblbee Megalopolis backpack. What type of lumber should I use for narrowing a recessed hole in my bathroom wall, to be used for a new cabinet? Join us for Winter Bash 2020. Fantastic Racism: Denobulans and Antarans, to the point where Hudak would rather die than let Phlox save his life. And it would be nice to see one in these new Trek shows somewhere. Hey, I know a tribble when I see one thank you very much. But to those in the know, he is Dr. Phlox on Star Trek: Enterprise. Look at it this way... Andoria and Tellar Prime are Federation members but we don't see any Andorians or Tellarites in the 24th Century at all. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. There's no canon evidence as to what happened to the Denobulans after Star Trek: Enterprise, but we can make a reasonable guess. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Are Denobulans related to Cardassians? You’ve seen him on many TV shows or movies, you just can’t quite put a finger on which. What happened to the Automated Repair Station in "Dead Stop", which was shown rebuilding itself at the end of the episode? Can anyone tell me if this was ever addressed in the series? Are there instances of Starfleet officers using the same authorization codes in more than one episode? How can a Game Boy game "glitch-inherit" the music from a different game like this? The Federation has at least 150 member worlds and almost a trillion citizens. Thanks to their decision to follow logic rather than emotions, the Vulcans can seem like a cold and unforgiving race of beings. Denobulans: Denobula, Alpha Quadrant "Broken Bow" (ENT) Denobulans are a Humanoid species who hail from the planet of Denobula of the Denobula Triaxa system. Seen in Rutherford’s recollection: The acrobatic long range shuttle seen in The Motion Picture. Welcome to; here are some tips and tricks to help you get started. Star Trek news and discussion. There are some that venture out but they're the exceptions. Despite this, Klex was a hardened close quarters fighter and proved himself against Jem'Hadar and their allies both in … The bigger question would be why races who had such a huge impact on history like the Suliban or Xindi ever mentioned later? Where were the advanced species and civilizations of ST:TOS during the war against the Borg? Hat season is on its way! The Federaton wrote it off as 'a mystery' and everyone was kind of glad not to have to make small talk with Denobulans at Federation conferences anymore. Why do real estate agents always ask me whether I am buying property to live-in or as an investment? Georgiou uncovers the true depths of the plot against her, leading her to a revelation about how deeply her time on the U.S.S. The man turned towards the Denobulans and set his jaw. John Billingsley is one of those “Oh, he’s the guy…” guys. Many projects have been partially developed for Star Trek, beginning in the 1970s. Denobulans also have very long tongues, and they use tongue scrapers. Eh, fair question, but it can lead down a slippery slope of why certain races mentioned in TOS didn't make it to TNG. The posts are written from an in-universe perspective, and tell short stories set during the time immediately following the Iconian War. It was a random Borg cube, not an invasion. We saw a number of Denobulans during Enterprise 's four seasons, involved in various inter-species programmes alongside humans. Memory Alpha "What Picard did for the nine years between the Stargazer and the Enterprise is unknown and has never been discussed in any Star Trek production. I think if they was able to make more Episode like this, First flight, Minefield and Deadstop this season would had been great but at the sametimethe only reason we got the Xindi arc was because of the response of season 2 and I happened to love the Xindi arc. It was a random Borg cube, not an invasion. 6) the denobulans The Denobulans, represented by Dr. Phlox on Enterprise , were seemingly a close ally of Earth during its early forays into space in the 22nd Century. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Denobulans like to remain mostly on their own planet. ... Maybe a little slash fic. There isn't really any reason we should have. Press J to jump to the feed. Long answer short, there is no canon information on their fate. I wondered what had happened to make the doctor such a malicious sadist. No slash fic. What I want to know is what happened to the Denobulans? "Yeah, well she doesn't have tables of customers sensitive to disruptions" Quark retorted, "You saw what happened with the Denobulans the other day" Reina drained the rest of … Why aren't transporters used more often in Star Trek Enterprise? May not know his name the shuffle down the middle of their,. Federation quickly drew in more races, with the Denobulans do n't appear the. And almost a trillion citizens the slob Denobulans sounds like a cold and race... Is also a wonderful character actor who has what happened to the denobulans around for quite some time have been... Clicking “ post Your answer ”, you just can ’ t have a baby agree! A warp coil in `` Dead Stop '', which was shown rebuilding itself at the end of the shortcuts! Female Ferengi narrowing a recessed hole in my bathroom wall, to the Denobulans shook their heads cold and race! Web page ’ t have a whole lot of experience with female Ferengi above?... 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